🖤💖💜💙 Mother's Day

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Hope you all gave your mom a wonderful Mother's day! I wrote this real quick, and thought it'd be good for today. ❤🖤💖💜💙

I woke up with a big smile on my face. It's Mother's day... I turn my head to look at the clock and see it says 6:50 am. Okay, the girls won't be up for ten minutes... I wanted to get up extra early so I could get everything ready. I get out of bed and open my closet to grab the flowers I picked out for the girls and all the gifts I've been buying without them knowing.

(For Delia)

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(For Delia)

(For Sally)

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(For Sally)

(For Sally)

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(For Mina)

(For Billie)

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(For Billie)

I walk in the living room and set everything down on the coffee table. I put the bouquets down and I lay their gifts in front of them, then I go into the kitchen and get the girl's morning beverages and sit them down on the coffee table as well. Okay, am I forgetting anything? I think for a minute before I shake my head and grin slightly. Okay, I'm good. Now just gotta wait till they get up... I walk back into my room and lay back down, scrolling through my phone, waiting for the girls to wake up. It was now 7:05 and I hear Delia's door open.

Then I hear Mina's, then Billie's. I quickly put my phone down and lay back down so they think I'm asleep still. I hear my door open and I feel my bed dip down and Billie's lips on my temple. "Good morning, angel..." then I hear my door shut softly. I open my eyes and sit back up. I then hear Sally's door open and I lay back down, just in case she decided to look in my room. All of a sudden, I hear, "Oh my God!" coming from the living room. I immediately get the biggest smile on my face, knowing that the girls found my surprise for them. "Oh my God, these are gorgeous!" Billie exclaims, smelling her flowers. "Who brought these here?" Delia asked. "Hey, there's a note..." Sally picks up the note and reads it. "Happy Mother's day to the best moms in the entire universe. You have no idea how much you guys mean to me, and there's not enough words in the world to express how much I love you. I owe you four everything, and I feel so blessed that I get to call you my moms every day. You're my entire universe, and I thank God for you every single day. I'm so proud to be your daughter, and I love you more than anything in the entire world. Thank you for making my life Heaven. Xoxo ~ Rhia

I peek around the corner and see Sally with the note I wrote in her hand, and I see her wipe her cheek. "She really wrote that?" Mina asked, wiping her cheeks as well. Sally nods, handing her the note. "God, we truly don't deserve her..." "Morning, guys. Happy Mother's day. You like the stuff I got you?" I ask, with a big smile on my face. They all turn their heads and I can see all of them have tears in their eyes. "You really got us all this stuff?" Delia asks. "Yeah, I woke up super early and put everything on the table so you'd see it. I wanted my girls to feel extra special today." Sally walks over and wraps her arms around me tighter than she ever has. I wrap my arms around her waist tight, snuggling into her chest. "What did we do to deserve you?" Sally whispers to me, crying softly into my shoulder. "The real question is, what did I do to deserve you guys?"

Sally takes my hand and walks us over to the couch and sits us down, then Mina wraps her arms around my shoulders, kissing my head and the back of my neck. "Happy Mother's day, momma." "Thank you, baby." She kisses my head one last time before letting me go. "You really picked out these flowers?" Billie asks. "Yeah, Jason and Misty helped me pick them all out." Billie takes my hand and pulls me to her, and hugs me tight. "They're so beautiful, angel. But not half as beautiful as you..." she gives me a soft kiss on the lips, making me blush slightly. "I'm glad you all like them. I wanted this day to be perfect. " Delia sits on the couch, and pulls me over to her, making me lay my head on her lap. "It is, trust us." I grin and turn over to my left side to hug her. "Happy Mother's day, guys. I love you more than anything in the world." "We love you more, angel."

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