💜 Cold Feet

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I know it's been forever and a day since I've posted anything on here, but I've had this finished in my notes for months, and I've been waiting since December to post it. I hope you all like it. I appreciate you all so much for sticking around. You all mean so much to me. Love you all. ❤💜

It was early December, and I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling like I'm about to freeze to death. Why the hell is it so cold in here? I get out of bed and walk into the hallway to look at the thermostat to see it's at a nice temperature. "Damn, I wonder if the girls are cold..." I walk slowly to Cordelia's door and open it softly to see her warm and cozy in bed. I grin softly and shut her door then check on Billie. I then check on Wilhelmina and can see her shivering slightly. I walk in and slowly shut the door and walk over to her. I look down at her shivering form, and I feel my heart break. Poor Mina. Poor thing is freezing... I brush a strand of hair behind her ear and go to the edge of her bed and crawl in, getting behind her. I wrap my arm around her waist, grabbing her hand and rubbing it to warm it up.

Soon, she stirs, sitting up slightly and turning her head enough to see me out of the corner of her eye. "Rhiannon? What are you doing in here?" She looks at her clock and sees it's 2:10 am. "It's after two o'clock..." she lays softly on her back to look at me on her right. "What are you doing in here? Not that I don't like waking up to you holding me..." she grins softly, stroking the back of her hand on my cheek. "I woke up freezing and I wanted to check on you guys and make sure you were warm. But I checked on you and I could see you were shivering, so I thought I could warm you up some." She leans in and kisses between my eyes, turning over on her side to face me and wrap her arm around me. She lays her forehead against mine and whispers, "My sweet girl..." I chuckle softly and wrap my arm around her tighter.

I accidentally brush my foot against her's and immediately pull it away. "Holy crap, Mina, your feet are like ice!" She chuckles and puts her feet on me, making me jump. "Momma! Stop! Put some freaking socks on, woman! Jeez..." she laughs out loud then covers her mouth so she doesn't wake the girls up. I let her go and get out of bed, walking to her drawer. "Where are you going?" I open her drawer and pull out a pair of fuzzy purple socks and throw them to her. "If you love me, put some flipping socks on..." she chuckles and nods her head, looking at me with a mischievous smirk. I walk back over to her and take the covers off of her, making her cover herself up with her arms. "Rhiannon, the hell? It's freezing!" "If I'm gonna lay next to you, I don't want your icey feet on me."

I slip the socks on her feet then put the covers back over her. "So you're sleeping in here?" I look up at her and grin. "Of course I am. I wanna keep my momma warm during the night." I crawl back into bed and she immediately wraps her arm around me, holding me tight. "Thank you, darling. I love you taking care of me..." I hold her just as tight, rubbing my thumb over her back. "I may be the kid, but I always want to take care of you guys." She grins softly, looking into my eyes lovingly. "Are you warm now, momma?" "Yes, I am. Thank you, babygirl. I love you..." she kisses my forehead before laying her chin on top of my head, rubbing her hand up and down my back. "I love you too, momma." Soon, we both fell asleep, nice and warm in each other's arms.

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