💜 Broken Promises

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Hey everyone! Alright, this is probably the most emotional story I've done (if any of you cry, I apologize. 😄). I even had to take a short break from writing it cause I was about to cry. Lol I hope you all enjoy it! Love you all! ❤💜

It was around seven o'clock at night when Mina finally got home from work. She had been called in early by those two weirdos with the bowl cuts, and she was pisssed. She walked through the door and dropped her bag on the floor. She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, ready to relax, when she heard a small crash. What the fuck was that? She thought as she turned her head toward the noise. She got up and walked into the hallway and could see the door to her room was open slightly. Why the hell is my door open? She walks in her room to see me with my back turned to her, holding onto something. "Rhiannon? What are you doing in my room?" I turn around all panic stricken, and she can see the picture she keeps of me and her on her nightstand shattered on the floor. "What the hell happened?" "I-I... I was, th-throwing a ball around, and it, it accidentally bounced into your room and, and it hit the picture. I'm sorry, Mina, I'll clean it up immediately, I promise."

I look into her eyes, but I see nothing in them but pure anger. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and I feel myself shaking slightly. Suddenly she grabs my wrist and yanks me upward so I'm standing up. "How many times have I told you to stop throwing that goddamn ball around?!" She spins me around and before I could do anything, she smacks me hard on my butt, making me yell out. "OW! Momma, stop! I'm sorry!" Suddenly, she realizes what she's doing and quickly let's me go. "Oh my god... pumpkin, I'm... I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." before she could finish, I run out of her room and into mine and shut and lock the door. She sits down on her bed and just stares at the floor. Oh my God, I hurt her... after I swore to her I wouldn't ever again...

(Flashback eleven years ago)

It was morning, and I was playing outside with Sally while Delia and Billie were making breakfast, and Mina was sitting on the couch, reading. Breakfast was soon done, and me and Sally came running in, still messing around with the ball we were playing with outside. "Rhiannon, don't play with the ball in the house, you could hit something and break it, you understand?" I nodded my head and set the ball down and we went to eat. Later, I was playing with my Spiderman figures in the living room when I hear Mina's cane coming closer behind me. I turn my head and look up to see Mina standing next to me with a angry look on her face. "Hi momma. Is something wrong?" She grabs my arm and leads me to the hallway to see the pictures on the little table, shattered and on the floor. "Didn't I tell you at breakfast to not play with that stupid ball in the house?" "But momma, I didn't-"

"Don't lie to me, Rhiannon. Now answer me. Didn't I tell you at breakfast to not play with that ball while in the house?" I nod and she grips my wrist tighter, making me start to whimper from the pain. "Ow... momma, you're hurting my wrist..." "A nod isn't an answer. Yes or no, did I tell you to not play with that ball?" I start to nod again before I stop and say yes. "But momma, I've been playing in the living room the whole time-" "What did I say about lying to me?!" She walks me to the living room, she sits down and lays me on her lap. She pulls my pants down and I start trying to get away. "Momma, I didn't play with that ball, I promise!" She doesn't listen to me and smacks me hard, making me yell and start to cry. "OW! MOMMA, PLEASE! STOP!" She spanks me a few more times before Sally and Billie walk in to see Mina spanking me. "Mina, what the hell are you doing?!"

Billie exclaims, running over and taking me away from Mina. "Venny, why the hell were you spanking her?" Sally asks, while Billie is on her knees, checking to make sure I'm okay. "She disobeyed me and she lied, so she deserved punishment." "But you were spanking her as hard as you could! Why the hell would you do that to her? She's only eight, Mina!" Billie lifts me up and takes me to the bathroom to take care of my stinging, red butt. "Mina, what did she lie about?" Mina sighs annoyingly. "I told her at breakfast to not play with that stupid ball in the house cause she could break something, and I walked into the hallway to see the picture frames broken and glass on the floor everywhere. She disobeyed me, so I decided to punish her." Sally's eyes grow wide like she had seen a ghost, and Mina is confused by her expression. "What?" "Ummm... Rhiannon didn't play with that ball... I did."

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