🖤 Mother Zombie

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Hey everyone! I know I said I'd be posting one of me and Billie, but I just finished this fic today and I couldn't not post it. This is definitely one of my favorite fics I've ever made and I really hope you all love it. I'll try to finish the one of me and Billie asap. ❤🖤🧟‍♀️🔫

I was laying on my bed, playing Resident Evil Zero on my Nintendo Switch. I was laying on my stomach with my back facing the door, and I had my earbuds plugged into my Switch, so I couldn't hear anything. Sally walked up to my door and opened it, popping her head into my room to look at me. "Hey babe, you hungry?" I don't respond, making her arch her brow in confusion. "Rhiannon?" She opens the door all the way, leaning up against the doorway. "Babe, if you're ignoring me, I'm not going to be very happy." I still don't respond. She walks closer to me, and before she can open her mouth to say anything, she notices the earbud in my ear. She shakes her head with a smirk on her face and leans down to see what game I'm playing. She looks at me then down at my legs and gets an evil grin.

She walks backwards till she's right in front of my legs, while still looking at my screen to time it just right. Right as a zombie pops up on my screen, Sally grabs my legs, making me shriek. "AHHH!" I spin around, yanking my earbuds out and lifting my legs up to my chest. I see Sally bent over in front of me, laughing hysterically. "SALLY, WHAT THE HELL?! YOU SCARED THE FREAKING CRAP OUT OF ME!" In between laughing, she says, "I'm sorry, babe, I couldn't help myself! I tried talking to you, but you didn't respond to me, so I tried to get your attention." "BY ALMOST GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK?!" She laughs harder, nodding, and I growl and start getting off my bed as fast as I can, making Sally run out of my room. "I'm gonna kill you, Sal!" She laughs and yells back, "No you won't! You wouldn't kill your own mother!"

"I've got three more! I'm fine minus one!" Sally gasps and stops at the foot of the stairs, turning around to face me coming down. "Oh, you did not just say that, babygirl..." Oh shit, I'm dead. She gets an evil smirk on her face and whispers, "You better start running, babe." She starts running back up the stairs, making me scream and run back up, and I run into my room, shutting and locking the door. I facepalm and mentally curse myself. Why the hell did I say that? Now if she catches me, I'm dead. My tombstone will read, "here lies Rhiannon Renne Michelle Goode, who died at age 20 from her mother tickling her to death cause she said she'd be fine minus one mother!" I hear Sally's footsteps coming toward my room, making my heart start beating faster and making my blood run cold. "Oh, Rhiannon... where are you, sweet girl?"

I cover my mouth to keep from making noise. I'm dead. I'm freaking dead. Oh well, I lived a good life... I take a breath and unlock my door and the door immediately opens and Sally rushes in, making me squeal. She grabs me and throws me over her shoulder as she carries me out. "Sal, come on! I'm sorry I said I'd be fine minus one mother, okay?! I was just joking!" "Oh no, sweetheart, you hurt your mother's feelings, so you need to be punished..." I get a sad look on my face and softly ask, "I didn't really hurt your feelings, did I, Sal?" She stops and puts me down on the floor. "Well... no, not really. You were just joking about that, right?" I nod fast, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Of course I was, Sal. I'd never say something like that on purpose. I was just trying to joke that since I have so many mothers, I have one to spare. I would never say something that evil on purpose. I'm sorry, Sal." I hug her tight, and she hugs me back just as tight, running her fingers through my hair as she kisses the top of my head. "It's alright, babygirl, you don't need to apologize." She grabs my shoulders and pulls me away, pointing her finger at me. "But you still have to be punished." She winks at me and I giggle and nod my head. "Yes, mother." I salute her, making her laugh. "You're such a little shit..." I giggle and look around to make sure none of the other girls are around and I whisper to Sally, "But I'm your little shit." She chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I love you so fucking much, Rhiannon."

"I love you more, Sal. So what's my punishment?" She gets an evil smirk on her face and starts growling like a zombie, then pulls me in and starts biting my neck. "AHH! SALLY, STOP! I DON'T WANNA BE A ZOMBIE!" I manage to get away from her and run up to my room and grab my Tricera-Blast Nerf gun. I grin and cock the lever back, ready to fire it. "Game on, mother zombie..."

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