🖤 Rainy Day

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for not posting! I promise I'll try to post more. I hope you all enjoy this one. I had a lot of fun writing it. ❤🖤

I was sitting on the floor with my legs crossed, in front of the back door, watching the rain fall while I have music playing in my ears. I wanted to go outside and play, but since it's raining, I have to stay in. Stupid rain, you ruin everything... I chuckle to myself. All of a sudden, I feel two hands grip my waist, making me scream. "AHHH!" I quickly turn around to see Sally sitting on her knees, laughing hysterically. "Sal, what the hell?!" I laugh and tackle her, taking us both to the floor. "I'm sorry, babe, I couldn't help myself. I saw you in front of the door, and I asked what you were doing, but you didn't reply. So I thought I'd try to get your attention..." she chuckled, making me giggle. "Well, you got my attention, Sal. And I think you made my heart stop in the process, so mission accomplished." We both laugh and she sits up on her elbows and kisses my forehead.

"So what were you doing looking outside, babygirl?" "I wanted to go outside and run around or something, but now it's raining, so I can't now..." I look back at the door, all bummed out, but Sally takes a soft grip of my chin and turns my face back around so I can look at her. "What says you can't still play outside while it's raining?" I give her a somewhat confused look and say, "Well, if I go outside, I'll get soaked and get my shoes all dirty." "Then how about you go out with no shoes?" I chuckle and shake my head. "No, cause then my feet are gonna be all covered in mud and crap..." she chuckles and kisses my head and stands us both up. "Well, we can just go wash our feet afterwards..." "We?" Sally nods and takes her jacket and shoes off. "Yeah, we. You think I'm gonna let you go out there and have fun by yourself?" We both chuckle and she takes my hand. "Ready?"

I nod, and she opens the sliding glass door, and we run outside and squeal from how cold the rain is. "Holy shit, that's cold!" Sally exclaims, making me laugh. "Hey, you hush your mouth! You squealed too!" We both laugh and she starts chasing me, making me giggle and scream. "Get your wet, little ass over here!" I run and run, but she finally catches up to me, grabbing my waist, making me squeal and try to shove her away. "Sal, let me go! Let me go, you frizzy haired devil!" She laughs and grips me tighter. "Frizzy haired devil? That's a new one." I shrug and say, "Yeah, that just came out of me, I didn't even put any thought into that one." We both laugh and she kisses my cheek and starts to tickle me. "Sally, stop! Let me go!" She chuckles with a mischievous smirk on her face, and she tickles me harder. "Sally, stop!" I finally push her away and I try to run back to the door, but Sally grabs me and drops us both down to the floor, letting murky water splash all over us.

"Sal, seriously?!" She laughs and shakes her head like a dog after a bath, making me giggle and cover my face. "It's just dirty water, babe, it'll wash out." I lay my head back on her shoulder and start to laugh. "The girls are gonna kill us when they see us like this." We both laugh and she nods. "Especially Venny. She's gonna kick my ass for this..." we laugh harder and she kisses my cheek. "Thanks for playing out here with me, Sal. Even though our clothes are probably ruined now." I joke, making her chuckle. "Anything for my baby..." we both stand up and walk back in the house to clean up, when Mina suddenly appears in front of us. "What the hell happened to you both?!" Me and Sally look at each other and start to snicker. "Me and Rhi went outside to play for a little bit..." "In the pouring rain?!" We both nod and start to laugh. "Yeah, it actually was more fun to play in the rain. I'm gonna take a shower now. Thanks for playing with me, Sal..." I hug her tight, and she hugs me just as tight. "You're welcome, babygirl..." I start to walk away before I turn back around and ask Mina if she wants a hug. "For once, I'll pass." I laugh and walk to the bathroom to shower.

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