🖤 The Protector

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So I did this story back in February as like a part two to "More Badass With Fangs", but I got distracted writing other stories, and it never got posted... so I'm posting it now! Lol I hope you all like it, and I'll be making a third part to this soon. ❤🖤

I was so excited today. I was walking back to the Cortez, going to show Sally this new comic book I got, when these kids walked up to me, blocking my way. "Look, it's little miss short shit! You read any good comics lately, you stupid fucking nerd?" The one kid said as he knocked the comic out of my hands and down to the floor. "And look at you, you're skinnier than a fucking rail! Go eat a fucking burger or something, you skinny ass!" I started to tear up, but tried not to show it. "Awww, little baby gonna cry now? Go cry to your mommy, baby!" One kid yelled as he grabbed and yanked me by the arm. "Quit whining, you fucking baby! No one wants to hear your stupid ass cry!" He shoved me down to the floor, with all the other kids pointing and laughing at me. I reached over to grab the comic book on the floor until one other kid picked it up and ripped it in half.

"Have fun reading, you little shit..." they walked away, leaving me crying on the floor. I look at my knee to see that it's all scratched up and bleeding from me being thrown down. I got up as best I could, and walked to the Cortez as fast as possible. I finally made it to the Cortez and I go through the doors, my pants are all dirty, and my knee is bloody and scratched up. I walk up to mine and Sally's shared room, and when I walk in, Sally is sitting in the chair by the window, looking at her phone. "Hey babygirl, how was- Oh my god... baby, what the hell happened to you?!" Sally yelled, running over to me, with the most scared look on her face, while she's checking my body for any other cuts or bruises. "I was, walking over here to, to show you a comic book that I just got, and then, these kids stopped me and, and started calling me names and, they shoved me down and ripped up the comic book I bought and..."

As Sally was listening to what happened to me, I could see her eyes were becoming redder and her fangs were starting to show. "I'll kill those little fuckers..." Sally growled out. "Sally, you don't have to do anything... it's fine, I-" "It's not fucking fine! Those assholes did this to you, so now they'll have to deal with me... because no one will ever, ever lay a finger on you, or call you any name as long as I'm around..." Sally pulled me in close, wrapping her arms around me tight, while stroking my hair and kissing my forehead, and softly shushing me to calm me down. "How bout we clean that poor little knee up..." I smile softly and nod and she picks me up bridal style, carrying me to the bathroom. She turns the water on and let's it get warm while she's helping me undress. I get in the tub and start to sit down, but start to whince and tear up from the pain of the water hitting my knee.

"Owwwwww...." "I'm sorry, baby. I know it hurts..." Sally whispered in my ear, while she rubbed my back to keep me calm, with tears running down her cheeks. I look up at her and see her tears and I wipe them away with my thumbs. "Sally, why are you crying?" "Because you're hurting, and I never want my babygirl in pain..." Sally says softly, as she wraps her arms around my shoulders, and softly kisses my cheek, my temple, and my forehead. "You mean so much to me, baby, and I've never loved someone like I love you... and I never want you to be sad. I want to see you smiling, and laughing, and happy... cause seeing you smile makes my dead heart beat again, and your laugh is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard... and I love the sparkle in your eyes whenever you get excited about something you love... I just love you so much, baby, and I promise that those kids are going to pay for what they did to you..."

I put my head in the crook of her neck, feeling her warmth, while she cleaned my knee. after I got cleaned up, Sally turned off the water and helped me stand up, while she handed me a towel to wrap around myself. She helps me get out of the tub, and picks me up, and carries me to the bed. She carefully lays me down, and I can feel her smelling my hair. "You smell good, babygirl... good enough to eat!" She starts to nibble on my neck, making me laugh and squeal. "Ahhhh! Sally, stop!" She chuckles and gives me a kiss on the neck. She goes into her drawer and hands me one of her shirts to wear. "Here, you can wear this tonight..." "Thanks, Sal." I say, as I put the shirt on. She lays down next to me and kisses my cheek. "Anything for you, babygirl..." I snuggle in close to her, enjoying the feeling of her arms around me. "Try to sleep, okay? I promise I'll take care of those kids..."

"I know. I love you, Sally." She kisses my forehead and puts my face in the crook of her neck. "I love you more, babygirl..." she whispers in my ear before I drift off to sleep. It's been three days since those kids picked on me. Sally has helped me get over it, but I still feel kinda hurt by their words. As I was walking back to the Cortez after going to the drugstore to buy Sally more cigarettes, the same kids appeared in front of me, blocking me from getting to the front doors. "Look who it is! Haven't seen you for a while, short shit! So what are you doing at the Cortez?" I try to keep my cool and not act intimidated by them. "I-I'm staying here with a friend..." "Who? Come on! Tell us! We're your friends after all..." friends... sure, let's go with that... I think to myself, mentally rolling my eyes. "I'm not telling you. You guys have no reason to know my business. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get these cigarettes to Sally."

Oh shit, I just fucking blew it... I mentally facepalm myself. "Sally? You mean that druggie who lives here?" "She's not a druggie anymore! She's been clean since before I even met her!" I snap back, feeling my blood start to boil over this kid saying her name and calling her a druggie. "Man, that bitch is hot as hell, I'd screw her in an instant!" Now I can feel my whole body just shaking and and my teeth starting to grind together. "Yeah, so would I. You mind if I get in on that? I'd love to have her scream my name all night long..." I finally couldn't take it anymore. I was starting to see red and I couldn't stop myself and I punched the kid square in the face! "Shut the fuck up! Don't you ever talk about Sally like that again! If you ever say something about her like that again, I won't fucking stop next time, you peice of shit!" The other kids start to form around me, ready to kick my ass.

The kid I punched gets up from the floor, wipes the blood off his face, and says, "Get her." I manage to get through them, and bust through the doors of the Cortez. They all chase me inside but the kid in front gets knocked down by bumping into Sally. "What the-" before the kid can even finish his question, Sally picks him up, with her hand wrapped tightly around his neck. "So... you're the little prick whose been messing with my girl... you're gonna pay for hurting her..." all of the kid's friends take off running out the door, leaving him all by himself with Sally. "Oh, bite me, you drug addled bitch!" Sally then threw him against the wall hard, leaving a decent sized dent in the wall. She whispers at me to look away, and I run behind a chair, while she walks over to the boy and lifts him up by the neck again. She grins evilly at him, enough so he can see her fangs. "Good idea... cause nobody, and I mean nobody, messes with my babygirl and lives... "

She growls animalistic at him and viciously sinks her teeth into his neck, with his blood splattering all over the wall and the floor. A few seconds afterwards, I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jolt. "Shhh, it's okay... it's only me." I look up and see Sally crouched down next to me, her eyes starting to turn back to chocolate brown. "So... is he...?" "He's never gonna bother you again, babygirl..." She wraps her arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. "Hey, Sal?" "Yeah, babygirl?" I look at her, seeing nothing but love in her eyes. "I love you, I love you so much, and if anyone ever hurt you or said anything bad about you, I would stop at nothing to make sure that they'd pay." She chuckles softly and gives me a soft kiss on the nose. "I know, baby. And I love you more..." she whispers to me, holding me tighter. Sally was my guardian angel, and we'd always protect each other, no matter what.

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