💛 Mayhem

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So I got this one finished today. I'll be posting stories of Misty Day on here too once in a while. Hope you all enjoy it! This was so much fun to write! 💛💛💛

It was Sunday morning, about nine o'clock, when I woke up to the sound of music playing. I immediately recognized the song that was playing and jumped out of bed. I hear it coming from Cordelia's bedroom, so I peek in and I find none other then Misty Day twirling around the room and singing along to Stevie Nicks on the record player.

🎶Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight and who will be her lover?🎶

I just stand behind the door, silently watching her dance and sing around the room with a smile on my face. I had no idea she'd be visiting, so this was the greatest surprise I could've woken up to. In the middle of her dancing, she just stopped. She turns her head slightly and says, "I know you're standin' there, lovebug. Ya gonna hug me or what?" She turns around and holds her arms out for me. I get an even bigger smile on my face and run to Misty and hug her tightly.

"Misty! I missed you so much! I didn't know you were coming!" "Well, Dee asked me if I wanted ta stay for a while, so how could I say no?" She picked me up by the waist and twirled me around, giggling. I forgot how strong she was sometimes. We both plopped down on the bed, my head laying on her arm. "So how is my lil' lovebug? Did ya sleep well?" "I slept fine, and I'm great now, especially after knowing you're gonna be staying here for a while." I sit up and take Misty's hand and we walk downstairs to the kitchen. "So do you want something to eat, Misty? Cereal, bagels...?" "No thank ya, darlin', I already ate. Ya want me ta make ya some pancakes?" "Yes please!" I practically scream with the biggest smile on my face, causing Misty to giggle. I always was a sucker for Misty's pancakes. Don't get me wrong, the other girls make good pancakes, but there was just something different about Misty's.

"So where are the others at?" I ask while me and Misty are eating the pancakes she just made. "Well, Sally is off with her beau, Jason, Billie is off filmin' her show, and Mina and Dee are out runnin' some errands. So it's jus' you an' me here." I was thrilled the other girls were gone. Not that I didn't want them there, this just gave me the opportunity to have some quality time with Misty. "So that means we could do whatever we want?" I asked, with a big old smirk. "Yep. Why, ya already have plans?" "I may have an idea on what we can do after we're done eating." She gets a curious expression on her face. "Do ya? I'd love ta hear it."

(Two Hours Later)

Wilhelmina and Cordelia come home after running some errands and they come home to Nerf darts all over the floor and two couches flipped over. "What in the hell happened here?" Mina asked, completely shocked and confused. "Rhiannon?! Honey, where are you?!" Just as Delia asked, here comes me jumping over the one couch for cover. "Hey Mina, hey Delia." Cordelia immediately comes over and hugs me tightly. "Oh my god, sweetheart, you scared me to death. I thought something happened to you! Where's Mis-" She was cut off hearing Misty's voice in another room. "Oh lovebug, where are you...? I got a Nerf bullet with your name on it..." "You'll never take me alive, gypsy!" I screamed, trying like hell to reload my Nerf gun as fast as possible. "So this is what you two were doing while we were gone...?" Mina asked with her arms crossed and a confused expression. "Well, we started this battle like, an hour ago." Mina groaned and facepalmed while Delia was smirking, trying not to let a chuckle out. "And don't worry, when we're finished and I beat her," I screamed the last part in Misty's direction, knowing she'd hear me. "We'll clean everything up. Promise."

Right when I finished the last word, a Nerf bullet flew by my head, hitting the wall. "Ha! You missed me, you witch!" Misty pops her head out from around the corner, her Nerf gun pointed right at me, and mine at her. "I am a witch, shorty!" "Oh, you did not just call me shorty! It's on, you gypsy crone!" I fired a shot and missed her by a few inches. "Dang it!" "Ha! Who missed who now, shorty...?" She said with an cocky smirk on her face and an evil glint in her eyes. "These two together are mayhem." Mina whispered into Cordelia's ear, watching me and Misty shoot it out in the living room. Delia just grinned and replied, "Yeah, but we wouldn't have it any other way."

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