When we get to the preserve I hop out of the back seat of Allison's car and get my spare gun from her boot and put it in the back of my belt. The guns are simply just for protection. I'm not gonna shoot Malia unless she gives me a reason to.

I make my way over to Stiles who puts his arm around my shoulders. We all look around at each other. "Anybody else feel like we're doing more harm then good?" Lydia asks and I furrow my eyebrows. Were trying to save Malia, is she serious?

"We're trying to save a father from killing his daughter." Scott says and I nod. "Actually we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter. Who we don't know how to change from coyote back to his daughter." Issac says and I roll my  eyes. Don't get me wrong I love Issac but he just appears so unhelpful and sarcastic when he's with Scott and especially Stiles.

"And again with the not helping." Stiles says clearly bored of Issac's remarks now.

Scott looms from me to Allison. "Did you bring it?" He asks and Allison opens the trunk of her car and pulls out the weapon she tried to hurt me and Issac with earlier.

"Don't you think Clara would be better with that weapon though" Issac asks but our attention goes to the loud gunshots. My hand immediately flies to my gun in my belt. We look at each other concerned and Scott jumps on his bike and leaves.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Stiles shouts as Scott leaves with Issac, Allison and Lydia following him.

Stiles quickly calls his dad leaving me stood there awkwardly.

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?" Stiles says as he stays on the phone call with his dad. Stiles realises something and stares at me as the realisation hits him. "Its the doll?" He says and I raise my eyebrows to let him know I have no clue what hes talking about.

He ends the call. "Its the doll?" He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"All right, so why did it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house just for a doll?" Stiles asks and I begin to pace around trying to think of reasons why. "One that was in the car wreck all the way. We didn't find it in the coyote den." Stiles asks confused and I sigh.

"Stiles maybe it just likes the doll. Does it really matter?" I question and he sighs. "It likes the doll a lot." Stiles says and I thought hits me.

"What kind of doll was it?" I ask when I stop pacing. "I don't know. It's a doll, you know. It's got little arms, a big baby head, and dead, soulless eyes. Actually I took a pic." Stiles says getting his phone out of his pocket.

He shows me a picture of two young girls. One in a red coat and the other in a blue coat. The one in the blue coat had to have been Malia because she was older. But she wasn't the one holding the baby.

"That's Malia?" I ask pointing to the girl in the blue coat for confirmation off of Stiles. "Yeah that's the jacket and scarf we found in the den." He says pointing to her and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Stiles? Malia isn't holding the doll." I say confused and he zooms in on Malias  sister. "That's Malia's younger sister. It's her doll." Stiles says and realisation hits him as he looks out at the preserve. "I know what she's doing." Stiles says and I look at him confused. "What?" I ask him. "I know where shes going." He says and we start heading into the woods.

As we wonder through the woods Stiles calls Scott. Stiles goes off on a tangent about Malia bringing the doll back to car wreck when I feel something weird under my foot. I look down to see I was standing on a trap and if I move that's gonna take off my foot. I mentally curse myself for being stupid.

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