Moving in together pt3

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Luna pov
I woke up several hours ago to jasper saying we were almost at the island finally. I got up quickly took a nice shower got dressed and pack everything. While Draco sleeps I change him suddenly while changing him I feel a pair of hand wrap around me "hello beautiful" I hear jaspers say whispering into my ear sending shivers down my spine. I finish with Draco and put him in his baby basket and let him sleep with the mister dragon. I turn around and kiss jasper he kissed me back "I love you so much," I told him as I peck his lips then Emmett walks in. We look at him and he looks at us "uh Carlisle wanted me to tell you that we have arrived" with that he left and we started to get our things jasper got the luggage while I got Draco we got off the boat and everyone was looking around the beautiful forest I notice Carlisle looking at a map and Esme with him. A few minutes passed by when finally Carlisle told us to follow him the pack didn't like to be ordered around but I screamed at them that this was a place of peace for every supernatural so they shut up and we continued to walk.
~~an hour later~~
It's been an hour and Draco woke up on the moody side. Esme took the basket while I carried Draco she put a few stuff in there to make it easier to carry things she's so smart. We finally made it to the secret entrance and enter as soon as we enter we saw a beautiful town werewolf kids playing with other creatures werewolf's holding vampires hands I loved it all of it. Then I saw her I gave Draco to Rosalie and ran to her my aunt rose I hug her so tight she could barely hug me back. I let go and she was crying. "Luna honey I've missed you," she said I smiled and told her I missed her too she started to look around probably for my parents and sister "they aren't here but my new family is" as soon I said new family the Cullens appeared next to me "aunt meet my family," I said and she goes around saying hi to everyone until she reached Rosalie and jasper. She turned around and looked at me pissed "really luna you had a kid and didn't tell me" she said "I'm sorry it was only a few days ago" I explained and she calmed down "who's the father, is he here, what happened, why aren't you with your parents, who are they, how do you have a baby" she started asking so many questions until finally, jasper explained to her everything that happened. She calmed down again and took us all to a cafe so we could get snacks and stuff. We talk for a while until she said she had to go she gave me two keys and an address. I look at her confused "that's the old place I don't live there anymore but I still own it I'll send the papers tmr so it can officially be yours and the other one is my old car I'll let you use it until you can get on your feet and buy your own" she said and winked and me I hugged her and we all thanked her. She had to leave sadly she had an appointment. We put all the stuff in the van my aunt gave us and we got in. Carlisle starts to drive around while Esme directs him.
~~~a few minutes later~~~
We arrived at the location and it was a beautiful house that could fit everyone maybe. We went in and it was fully decorated the kitchen was beautiful and there was a pool outside that's amazing. I and jasper went upstairs and found our room it was stunning we unpacked and laid down there was an empty room next to ours so jasper and Emmett build the baby room there. After we all settled down we decided to check out the town. We went to the park, the stores, cafés, bakeries, ice cream stores, the grocery store, and the bar. Everything was perfect everyone was so kind to us and said hello on the streets. We soon headed home and we all sat in the living room the pack included "as soon as we find jobs and have the money to buy our own place we will leave" Sam said letting his warrior self go. They all knew they didn't need it anymore so they let it go. "Yes, of course, stay as long as you need," Esme said and we all started talking about how great this place was. That was until Draco woke up and started to cry I went upstairs and picked him up. I started to cradle him and breastfeed him until he was full. He quiets down and I head downstairs with him. Jasper gave him a toy dragon he bought earlier today. I smiled at the sight of my baby boy playing on the floor like a normal child that's all I want for him to grow up as normal as possible without having to move every few years, without having to say goodbye to a place he grew to love. We talked for a while longer while Esme was cooking for us and the pack of course Esme found a way to help the others eat normal food by putting blood in the food I kinda used Emmett as the Ginny pig. I love the life we will have now and I'm happy we get to live happily without any problems.

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