Revealing long time feelings

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Today is Sophie's birthday I got her a really pretty necklace with the help of my Auntie Alice. We were heading into the birthday when I saw my enemy, William. We both have the same feelings for Sophie except she likes him. How do I know? well, she told me. I'm her best friend and ill never be more than her best friend at least I will be there for her even if it hurts me. I don't care, I like her and it more than just a stupid crush.

I head towards her ignoring William "Happy birthday Sophie, here this is for you" I gave her the box that was wrapped in pink with a red bow on it her favorite. she gave me a huge smile and opened the gift when she looked inside it was a heart necklace with a beautiful golden chain. She gave me a big hug which I gladly returned.

she let go of me and that kind of made me sad but how could I be sad when those pretty blue eyes looked at me "can you help me put it on?" she asked and I simply nod. I took the necklace in my hands and she turned around my family as well as hers were staring with joy they always wanted me and her to end up together but we would always say no. Even though secretly I meant yes.

she put her hair out of the way and I clip the necklace around her neck the baby blue gems on the necklace matches her eyes that's what made me choose the necklace in the first place. As soon as I put the necklace on she went back to talking to William. it hurt ill tell you that but she liked him more and I had to accept it. one thing my father taught me is always respect a lady's wishes.

I listen to my father and mother they are raising me to be a gentleman and they always say the right girls will always want me, but there's a problem I don't want the right girl I want Sophie. I guess what uncle Edward says is right we can't always have what we want.

I go back to my mom and dad with a slightly sad smile. my mom gave me a caring hug and told me to go play with Jaxon and the twins as well as Paul lately he's always around. Mom kissed me on the head and I went to hang out with Jaxon, Paul, and the twins. "hey guys, what are you doing" I asked as I sit down with them. "Nothing much just playing with the twins," Jaxon said. I took a glance at Sophie to see she was still talking to William. "dude it'll be fine, he just wants her so that he'll look good he's gonna break her heart, and then she will realize your the right one for her" Jaxon exclaimed.

I sigh and nod my head. we talked for about an hour and played with the twins. I took glances at Sophie now and then just to see she wouldn't stop clinging onto that playboy William. my heart hurt that she couldn't see the truth he was flirting with two other girls right in front of her. I decided to go outside and get some hair before I punch someone in the face my family understood my situation and so did Sophie's family. auntie Cecile gave me a big hug and I left.

~ quick time skip~

I have been outside for almost thirty minutes and I feel like I have calmed down somewhat. I was ready to head inside when suddenly Sophie ran into my arms hugged me tightly. I could tell something was wrong by the way she was shaking. then William came running after her she hugged me tighter. William did something. " what did you do to her?" I asked a bit pissed "it's none of your concern, come here Sophie, NOW" she became scared and held me tighter.

I put her behind me I was now extremely pissed " it is my business, she is my business, now you're going to tell me what you did to her" I told him my eyes slightly being taken over by a crimson red. "and if I don't, what are you gonna do about it last time I checked you've never been in a fight" he says confidently,

I chuckled darkly I start walking towards him "it's true I've never been in a fight because until now I found them useless but that doesn't mean I won't send you six feet under, because when it comes to Sophie or anyone that I hold dear to me I will eliminate anyone from the face of this earth with no hesitation." I grabbed him by the collar and held him up on the wall "so are you gonna tell me what you did or am I gonna have to beat it out of you" my eyes are now fully red and pit black.

he didn't say anything. I looked at Sophie and she was crying. "what did he do to you, Sophie? I asked and she looked down "he...he t-t-touched m-me I-inappropriately a-and I t-told h-him t-to s-stop b-ut he h-he wouldn't" she sobbed uncontrollably. I got furious at the thought and mention of this. I couldn't hold myself back anymore "YOU TOUCHED HER, YOU FUCKING TOUCHED HER." I start to punch him repeatedly and by this time everyone was outside.

my rage had gotten the better of me I wouldn't stop not even my uncle Emmett could pull me off at this point William was hardly breathing but I made sure he was when I told him this "you ever pull anything like that again, you even think of doing it and I will make sure that you end up dead, don't look at, talk to, think of, or even mention Sophie's name ever again. as long as I breath you wont ever come near her again" he nods scared but it wasn't enough for me I punched him one last time and he was knocked out.

my dad and grandfather pulled me off of him and Sophie ran over to me scared and crying she cried into my chest and I held her. my hands bloody from punching Williams face to the point he passed out. she didn't mind she was crying and shaking I was just trying not to finish the job and get a casket ready.

" I wont ever let anyone hurt you, I love you to much to let anyone do that to you" I whispered into her hear. " I love you too Draco your my bestfriend" my heart broke "no I don't think you understand Sophie I love you more then a friend I have sense we were younger" she stayed silent at that moment I understood. I slowly let go of her and walked away to my parents my mom hugged me and we went inside so I could wash my hands. Williams parents left out of embarrassment.

I was in the bathroom washing my hand wishing that I had said nothing about my feelings towards Sophie but I let it slip. I sigh "she probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore" I open the door to the bath I was tackled "I love you too" I instantly realized who it was " Sophie do you really mean it" I asked digging my face into her neck " I wouldn't have waited outside the bathroom for 10 minutes listening to you talking to yourself, if I wasn't telling the truth, plus you didn't let me even talk outside" she said slightly giggling I hugged her " it makes me happy to hear that, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend" I asked extremely nervous " of course silly" she giggled.

she kissed my cheek and we head back to the party everything went great. our parents were extremely pleased with the news of me and Sophie getting together, and I was over the moon.

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