"My water broke"

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I wake up in jaspers arms I sit up and give him a kiss on the cheek as I stand up I can see I am having trouble so jasper carries me to the bathroom and gets me clothes. I finished and he helps me get dressed after that we head downstairs and I get breakfast and as usual, Susan isn't here shes with Seth and the other wolves. I eat my food when suddenly Alice comes down to me "luna I have a surprise for you" I look at her in confusion but I go with her of course with help from my love jasper. she takes me to the one room in the house that is empty "why are you taking me to the empty room" I asked in confusion and she giggles as she opens the door I see that its a unisex baby room "well you see me, nick, and Susan went shopping yesterday after the gender reveal." Alice said and I look at her in shock "omg Alice you didn't have to do this" I told her in tears "oh no I wanted to do this" she said with a smile. I hug her and thanked her. she left and I started to look around the room with jasper. all of a sudden I start imagining what it's going to be like in this room I start to tear up and jasper hugs me "just imagine he is going to be here soon and we are going to see him grow up in this room" I told him and he wipes my tears "yes darling I know" he told me and I smile. we went downstairs and I had a plate of food ready to eat I started eating when I felt wet I looked down and I saw that I was wet and that the floor was too. Carlisle comes down and smiles "I hope you are ready luna because it is time to deliver the baby," Carlisle said "my water broke", I said and in an instant, jasper picks me up and takes me to the home office.
I lay down and Carlisle gets me ready "when I count to three you push ok luna," he said, I nod and jasper holds my hand. "1...2...3... push," Carlisle said and I pushed "ok one more time 1...2...3...push" I pushed again and held jasper's hand tightly.
~~40 minutes of pain later~~
I was about to pass out when I heard it my baby my beautiful baby (picture up top) I looked at Carlisle and saw him giving the baby to jasper. Jasper walks to me and I smile "look Darlin" he said as he hands the baby over to me, I held him and teared up "hi my beautiful baby boy, welcome to this bipolar world" I said and head jasper chuckle "what are you going to name him" I heard Rosalie say I look into my baby's face and smiled "his name will be Draco, Draco hale the mighty dragon loyal and strong" I say and jasper smiled "that's a well-suited name" Carlisle says and I can feel myself falling asleep "jasper hold him I am going to pass out" I tell him and he picks the baby gently from my hands the last things I saw was jasper looking at me and my sleeping newborn.

I watched as luna slowly passed out from exhaustion I held my newborn in my hands and looked at him sleeping "jasper my son why don't you go look after him while the girls get luna dressed and we will wait for her to awaken" Carlisle my adoptive father said and I nod leaving for Draco's new baby room. I put Draco on the changing table and got him dressed into something luna wanted him to wear.

Luna has good taste in clothes they are very cute on Draco I picked Draco up and head downstairs to see everyone seeing and talking about stuff I walk towards them Draco in my arms fast asleep and Rosalie immediately looks at me with the 'can I ho...

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Luna has good taste in clothes they are very cute on Draco I picked Draco up and head downstairs to see everyone seeing and talking about stuff I walk towards them Draco in my arms fast asleep and Rosalie immediately looks at me with the 'can I hold him' look I smile and gently gave Draco to her as I know that she loves babies but can not have one. i wached as her eyes light up to the slightest touch from dracos skin "so jasper how does it feel to be a dad" edward says in a jokenly way "it feels great, a little weird and nerve reckin but great" i tell him in respond they all chuckle at my responce "draco look so cute" alice said and i look at her me and alice have not talked to eachother sense we found our soulmates I knew she liked me i mostly would not mind being friends but she ignores me so i just focused on luna and being with her and protecting her and our child. "hes adorable jasper" esme my adoptive mother said "indeed i love my mate and now i have a son to simbolize that love, i love draco and luna very much" i said to them and layla had a look "edward" she said "yes" edward responds "edward, baby, love of my life" she said "oh lord what do you want pumpkin" edward said "a baby" she stated "uh...a what?" he asked "a baby silly to sibolize our love" she exclaimed "uh ill think about it?" he answered and layla smiled like a maniac we all laughed which woke draco up he cried and cried rosalie couldnt stop it so she gave him to me and he calmed down once he was in my arms. I looked at him and I knew he could do many things once he grew up. I went upstairs ones I knew he was asleep and put him in the cradle. I went downstairs and sat back down with my family and we continue talking.
~~2 hours later~~
I wake up and hear the family talking in the living I head to the living and as soon as jasper saw me he rushed to me and hugged me but not fully I look at his arm and saw the baby "Draco hi" I said and he looked at me " he woke up a few minutes ago" jasper said I gently grabbed him "its mamas turn to bond with you my little dragon" I tell him and touches my nose he should not be doing that for a few months but I giggle "my love can we go to our room I wanna spend our time" I said and jasper nods we head to the bedroom and we sat on the bed and talked I played with my baby Draco and noticed he had my eyes and its a little too early to tell on his hair but it looks like a mix of jaspers hair and mine before I dyed it. I told jasper and he chuckled and agreed. I lay down and placed Draco in between us on his belly. he starts kicking and we chuckle a little. I'm worried he is starting to do 3-month-old things and he was just born a few hours ago I hope he slows down soon. soon Draco stops kicking and falls asleep I hold him and put him near my chest I heard that doing this and allowing the baby to listen to your heartbeat while it sleeps calms it and I may sleep longer. I look up at jasper and he kisses me I cuddle into him making sure not to hurt the baby and slowly fall asleep "I love you" jasper says kissing me on in the head "I love you too" and I fall asleep and let the darkness take over.

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