Making a future

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Lunas POV
I and jasper were sitting in our room looking threw a bunch of houses and mansions when I looked at one that caught my eye it was beautiful and big enough for our family I look at jasper and I say "this is the one" he looks at it and agrees with me (of course I won't show you until they move) I look at my belly it hasn't been growing for a few days now and I'm worried that somethings wrong with the baby Carlisle says the babies fine and it's just the fact that the growth is slowing down which made me relax a bit but I and jasper are on the edge and we won't let anything happen to this baby jaspers with me at all times and the others take turns to look after me when jaspers our hunting and I could defend myself but my powers have been weakened by the pregnancy so I can't do much for my baby and that makes me mad that I won't be able to protect my child when push comes to shove. "Darlin'" I heard a concern jasper say "mh" I look at him "are you alright you," he asked "yes I'm ok I was just thinking," I told him and he nodded. We continued to look at stuff like decorations and furniture and things like that until Alice came in the room saying Edward brought a girl over named Bella my first thought was to go check on Layla I knew she mated to Edward but she has a gift that changes certain fates and bonds. I went to Layla room and I saw her crying I sat next to her "hey you ok" I asked her with a soft voice "it hurts it hurts so much luna" she said and I lay her head on my lap "hey it is gonna be ok if he truly loves you he won't stay with her for long" I told her and she just stayed there crying in silence while I played with her hair "could you sing me and the baby a lullaby" she asked me and I nodded
"Come, little children,
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children,
The time's come to play
Here is my garden of shadows
Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain
And the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions
Hush now dear children
It must be this way
Too weary of life
And deceptions
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet
Come, little children,
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children,
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows"

After i was done singing i noticed she fell asleep I levitated her and on the bed and left to go downstairs. When I do I see the girl Edwards always talking about and of course the Cullen family was being polite except my family and Rosalie who really didn't like that girl and Alice was just acting nice but I know her fake smile anywhere. I walked next to jasper and kiss his lips and Bella looked at me with the most bitchy look ever "Alice isn't jasper your boyfriend isn't he supposed to be kissing you and not that fat ass" she said trying to gain Alices friendship but she just made Rosalie even more annoyed and mad at her and she just lost half of the Cullen family meaning Emmett, Alice, and jasper "no my boyfriend is nick" Alice told her with no smile on her face and nick hugged he to cool her down. I walk up to her with demon eyes and activated my demon voice "listen here you little rat jasper is mine and only mine and it is not called being fat unlike you u cow it's called being pregnant with the love of your life's Child something you will never EVER get the chance to experience cause Edward won't stay with a weak human like you and I will make sure as long as your in my families life I will make your life a living hell I'm not the princess of all evil for no reason you hoe so shut the fuck up before I cut that stupid tongue and feed it to the jaguars" at that point I could see the fear in her eyes I smile and go to mine and jaspers room with Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and nick right behind me with a smirk on their faces. I got on the bed and fell asleep while hugging jasper.

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