Things happen

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I wake up to the sound of thunder I look down and I remember what went on I look at jasper and he was already awake if he even slept
Hey Darlin how'd you sleep he asked great, jasper what we did was amazing 😉 but I don't think we should do it again until we get married I said why it's not like your going to get pregnant he said you seriously don't know anything about hybrids it doesn't matter if your dead or alive you still bare children even if the dad is a vampire I said he looked shocked well I'll take full responsibility of what happens he told me, okay, let's head back the others will be worried about where we have been I told him and we soon got dressed and left.

A few minutes later

We have arrived at the Cullen household I see my siblings there
Where have you to been I have been worried sick about you two my sister Susan said being very overprotective sorry we lost track of time I lied to her well that a good sign it means the date went well my sister Layla said yes very well, better than I expected I said looking at jasper did something happen while you to were on your date like you know 'the nasty' my sister Susan said to me
N-no we didn't have sex why would you even think that that's crazy I mean we just meet I told her blushing like crazy mhmm okay but I'm watching you to especially you jasper better keep your dongle ling in your pants Susan said why don't you just use the real words I asked her very confused because I'm a holly child she replied yeah I'm pretty sure holly children don't have porn sits on there phone nick said coming into the conversation wow nick you just exposed her said Layla that when I decided to go home to get the smell of sex off of me. I and my sibling got in the car and drove off to our house but not after I gave jasper a kiss goodbye

A few minutes later

I got home and took a shower after that I went to sleep feeling rather odd about myself like I was going to vomit.

Hey guys sorry I'm late on publishing I have been going on a lot of trips with my family lately and it's took me longer than expected but here it is a new chapter yay 😀 any way I'm really sorry it's short but at least I made one

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