Chapter 38: The Missing Logs

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It's been three days of constant searching in folders and the books of the library. (Y/n) leaned back into their chair and sighed.

"I'm starting to go insane" mumbled (Y/n).

"I'm surprised their isn't any type of codes in these logs or nothing else in the folders."

"Do you think there could be something in the orphanage?" (Y/n) thought out loud.

"In the orphanage? Why do you think there would be something there?"

"Well wouldn't it be easier to get a child from an orphanage instead from another parent? I'm assuming that's how they did it without getting caught" concluded (Y/n).

"All orphanages are suspicious though. Most of them don't care about the children and treat them like shit. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about"

"Yeah I know" (Y/n) sighed.

"We are going to have to go to a public library to get some information about some orphanages."

(Y/n) sighed, "Yea but we aren't allowed to go out. Especially because we've gotten kidnapped so many times."

"I think we should go tell Midnight now about seeing All for One and asking if she can come with us."

(Y/n) started to pack their books and folders, "Yeah."

"Hey (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) jumped and turned around to see the girls uniform floating.

"Hagakure?" hesitated (Y/n).

"The one and only!" exclaimed Hagakure.

"What are you doing here?" stiffed (Y/n).

Hagakure went into their bag and pulled out a red folder, "My mother wanted me to give you something! She really loves you and always wanted to give you this. She said that my grandmother wanted you to have it and you would know what to do with it."

(Y/n) accepted the red folder, "What is it?"

"I'm not sure" shrugged Hagakure, "My mother said I couldn't open it."

"She is still suspicious"

"Oh, Okay. Thank you" (Y/n) put the folder in their bag, "Should we head to the dorms?" 

Hagakure cheered and latched on their right arm. Both of them started to walk towards the dorms. They ran into Uraraka and Tsu. Hagakure detached from (Y/n) and brought Uraraka by their side.

(Y/n) smiled at Uraraka, "Hey."

Uraraka smiled and blushed, "Hey."

"Alright, love-birds! Tsu and I are going to be going now! Both of you have fun!" Hagakure dragged Tsu away.

"Love-birds?" mumbled (Y/n).

"I'm sure they a-are just messing with us!" blurted out Uraraka. 

Both of them walked to the lounge and sat down. (Y/n) pulled out their homework and Uraraka did the same. They were doing their homework in silent. All of sudden (Y/n) felt a weight on their lap. They looked down and saw Uraraka laying on their lap. She had her face covered with a book.

"Uraraka?" asked (Y/n).

Uraraka peeked from her book, "Y-Yes?"

"Are you okay?" concerned (Y/n).

Uraraka nodded.

Maybe she just wanted to lie down.

(Y/n) smiled and ran their fingers through her hair. 

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