Chapter 20: Start the Camp Training!

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These are the withdraws of the Quirks:

Fire: If the heat is not released from the body the blood will start to come out of nose and ears, sometimes eyes. It will also leave burn marks on the hands.

Water: You will become dehydrated. This can be prevented if you use a body of water instead of your own liquids.

Air: You will have asthma attacks. (From lack of air)

Earth: Your skin starts to peal/crack open.

Shield: Energy levels get lower.

"Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully" said Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa threw a baseball at Bakugo, "Try throwing that."

"This is from the fitness test...." Bakugo started.

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters. Let's see how much you've improved" said Mr. Aizawa.

"Oh, we're checking our progress?" questioned Mina.

"Since a lot has happened these past three months, huh?" added Sero, "Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something now!"

"Do it, Bakugo!" encouraged Kirishima.

As usual Bakugo yelled while he was throwing the ball. The wind went through (Y/n)'s hair.

Hm, not bad

"709.6 meters" announced Aizawa.

"Huh? It's less than I thought..." said Sero.

"It's been about three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. As you can see, your Quirks themselves have not improved that much," said Mr. Aizawa, "That's why we will work on improving your Quirks starting today. It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..."

(Y/n) felt a shiver go done their spine.

I'm going to die, aren't I?


(Y/n) was sent to a location in the forest where they would have enough space.

"(L/n), I want you to do what you did at the park. But I want you to go all out. No one will be able to disturb you here except for the constant yelling of Bakugo and Koda" said Mr. Aizawa.

(Y/n) nodded. Once he left (Y/n) had begun.


The sun was setting. Mandalay had told them that it was time for dinner, which (Y/n) had learned her name. (Y/n) was slowly making their way back to the camp site.

My body feels like shit.

(Y/n)'s skin was starting to peel again and they had a little bit of dried up blood on their bottom lip. 

Good thing I only had 2 asthma attacks. That's better than the last time I did this.

(Y/n) could hear rapid footsteps approaching. (Y/n) got into a defense stance. Iida came out from the bushes.


(Y/n) lowered their stance, "Hey, Iida. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were alright!" said Iida.

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