Chapter 8: Hero Names?

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Everyone in Class 1-A were surrounding (Y/n), except for Iida, Todoroki, and Bakugo. (Y/n) had saw the news of the Hero Killer: Stain and how people were starting to question if there was a connection between them because they thought that their ideals were very similar. But there was one thing that caught (Y/n)'s attention. The fact that Stain was attacking heroes to the point that they couldn't continue their careers. Midoriya had also told you on your way to school the last person that he had injured was Iida's brother. He had also told you how the Class were going to be going on internships. (Y/n) had noticed that Iida hadn't said his daily morning greeting. (Y/n) saw Iida looking off into space.

I hope he's okay. I can only imagine the pain that he's in. But I envy him, he still has his brother even after that attack

"(Y/n), did you see how awesome I was at the festival?" smirked Mineta.

(Y/n) stared at him blankly," No, I guess you were just too small for me to notice."

Mineta sulked, while Mina and Kanimari laughed. The bell soon rung and everyone went to their desks quickly. Mr. Aizawa came through the door.

"Today, we're having a special hero informatics class today" stated Mr. Aizawa.

(Y/n) could feel the sudden tension from the class. 

Why is there sudden tension? What are they so afraid?

"You'll be coming up with hero names" said Aizawa.

All of sudden the class got excited and started to cheer. Mr. Aizawa's eyes turned red and the whole class got quiet once again. (Y/n) sweat dropped. Aizawa turned towards the screen and showed the results for the internships. (Y/n) noticed the big gap between the rest of the class with Todoroki and Bakugo.

"Gah, there's such a big difference!" complained Kaniarmari.

"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" fumed Ayaoma.

"Todoroki's first, and Bakugo's second?" questioned Jiro.

"It's the opposite of their placement in the Sports Festival" mumbled Kirishima.

(Y/n) heared Sero whisper something but couldn't make out what he said.

"What're the pros scared of?!" yelled Bakugo.

I mean I wouldn't really blame them, he was after all chained to the podium.

"Keeping these results in mind, wheater or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros" stated Mr. Aizawa.

(Y/n) raised their hand.

"(L/n)" nodded Mr. Aizawa.

"Um, since I wasn't at the Sports Festival so I wouldn't go to a internship. What will I be doing while they are away?" asked (Y/n).

"You came late before anyone else, so you will use this time to catch up on whatever work is assigned to you" said Aizawa.

(Y/n) groaned but nodded.

"Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it-"

"You'll have hell to pay later!" interupted Midnight.

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up when they say Midnight come into the room.

"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!" said Midnight.

"So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay. I can't do stuff like that. When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say,' Names and natures do often agree,' Like 'All Might,' for example" said Aizawa.

A hero name, huh? Would there even a point to give myself a hero name? I mean everyone already calls me by my name because of the "Legendary Myth" so there wouldn't really be a point to give myself a hero name if everyone knows what my name is. Kinda takes away the trill of  it.

(Y/n) sighed and leaned their head on their right palm. (Y/n) was handed a white board. (Y/n) wrote their name on the white board and lean their head on the table. Midnight annouced that the students will be presenting their names. The first couple of names weren't serious but then it started to get better. It was (Y/n)'s turn.

"Oh, I see that you're going to be keeping your name" stated Midnight.

(Y/n) nodded," I feel like it would be too confusing if I used a different name. A lot of people already know me as (Y/n) (L/n), so there isn't much of a point to use another name."

Midnight nodded," Alright, who's next."

(Y/n) went back to their seat. (Y/n) had saw how stiff Iida seemed, well more than usual. (Y/n) started to feel a heaviness in their gut.

I should probably talk to him before he leaves. I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen

After school ended (Y/n) ran to try and get to Iida before he left the building. (Y/n) saw them at the entrance about to leave.

"Iida!" called (Y/n).

Said boy turned around and stopped in his tracks. (Y/n) came to a hault while trying to catch their breath.

"(L/n), you shouldn't be running! What if you got hurt?!" scolded Iida.

(Y/n) smiled slightly," Well, I wanted to talk to you before you left for your internship."

"Talk to me? About what?" asked Iida.

"Well, I noticed how quiet you were today. I know that maybe it isn't a good day for you but I just wanted to make sure that you're alright" (Y/n) confessed.

Iida blushed slightly," I'm doing alright, (Y/n). You should be worrying for yourself."

(Y/n) sighed," Maybe, but I just want to make sure that you're alright. Midoryia told me about your brother. I know what it's like to have a loved one to be hurt."

Iida's eyes widened," You do?"

(Y/n) nodded," That's why I wanted to check up on you. I know that you aren't like me but I feel like I should say this..."

"What is it?" asked Iida.

"Just because someone hurt your loved one doesn't mean you need to get revenage for them" said (Y/n).

Iida's eye widened.

"I know that you aren't like me but as someone that has tried to get revenage, it isn't worth it Iida. I know that maybe you aren't going to do it and maybe I'm just rambling but I just have a gut feeling like it should be said." confessed (Y/n).

Iida was stunned but furrowed his eyebrows," Did you get their revenage?"

(Y/n) shaked their head," No. I didn't see how it was going to make me feel better. It wouldn't really make a difference and it wouldn't make you any better than that person. After all, what is done is done. Getting revenge won't change the fact that it already happened."

And the fact that bastard died before I had a chance

Iida was silent but smiled at (Y/n). Iida bowed down a bit towards (Y/n). 

He stood up," Thank you, (L/n). I'll keep that in mind. Now if you'll excuse me. I promised my brother that I would see him."

(Y/n) smiled," Take care, Iida."

With that Iida made his way to the hospital. (Y/n)'s words played through Iida's head.

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