Chapter 31: What now?

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Bakugo and Kirishima rushed after (Y/n)'s fallen form. They turned them over and saw on their stomach a big gash. It was bleeding profusely. Kirishima quickly removed one of the rags that was wrapped on (Y/n)'s arm and started to add pressure.

"How far were the ambulance?!" growled Bakugo.

"I, I don't know. They just said that they would get there as fast they could!" worried Kirishima.

Bakugo tched. Kirishima's hands were starting to get wet but he didn't mind.

"P-Please stay w-with us, (Y/n)!" Kirishima teared up.

Bakugo got up and started to jog towards the street. He could hear the sirens going off in the distance. He soon saw it in his view and started to make explosions to catch their attention. It seemed to work because the ambulance soon started to speed up. Bakguo started to run back to where the other two were and the ambulance parked near them. Paramedics soon jumped out of the ambulance and ran towards (Y/n) and Kirishima. Two of the Paramedics took Kirishima's spot and started to do first aid on (Y/n). Another paramedic came with a stretcher and hoisted them on it. A black car soon showed up. All Might, Aizawa, and Midnight came out of the car and ran towards the two boys.

"Young Bakugo! Young Kirishima!" yelled All Might.

Midnight soon saw (Y/n) in the stretcher. She ran towards the ambulance.

"(Y/n)!" she called out.

The paramedics blocked Midnight from entering.

"I'm sorry no one can come in unless it's their guardian" said one of the paramedics.

"I am their guardian!" yelled Midnight.

Midnight shoved them out of the way and jumped onto the ambulance and sat next to (Y/n)'s sleeping form. Midnight's tears instantly started to fall. Kirishima and Bakguo were about to follow in Midnight's steps but were pulled back by All Might and Aizawa.

"Let us go!" struggled Bakguo.

The ambulance soon sped off and out of view.

"I know that you're both worried about Young (L/n) but you need to calm down." reasoned All Might.

"Calm down?! We can't calm down knowing that our friend is injured!" protested Kirishima.

"What are you going to do about it?" said Aizawa, "There is nothing that you can do for them right now. Leave it to the professionals. Patch up and then all of you can go see them."

Bakgou tched and Kirishima looked down. Soon they were walking into the dorms. 


(Y/n) opened their eyes and saw that they were in a field of sunflowers.

"Where am I?" (Y/n) thought out loud.

(Y/n) felt something bump into their leg. They looked down and saw that it was a little mushroom gnome. The gnome got up and started to point in a direction. (Y/n) looked in the direction the gnome was pointing and it was a trial. The gnome started to walk towards the trail. (Y/n) started to follow the gnome and felt like they have been walking forever.

"Um, where are you taking me?" asked (Y/n).

The gnome only pointed in the same direction again. (Y/n) sighed but continued to follow the gnome. They soon reached to what looked like a lake. The gnome started to walk around the lake. (Y/n) soon found themselves looking at a pair of stairs that led upwards.

(Y/n) looked back down at the gnome, "Where does this lead?"

The gnome only pointed upwards. (Y/n) sighed but decided to take a couple of steps up. They noticed that the gnome wasn't following.

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