Chapter 10: The Rescue?

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The three pro heroes and (Y/n) were following Aaron close behind. He led them to a dark alley way and turned at every corner. (Y/n) started to get a strange feeling in their gut. (Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows and looked around.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" asked Midnight.

"I don't know. I just have a gut feeling but I don't sense anything right now" admitted (Y/n).

"We should still keep our guard up and look for anything that might look suspicious" warned Mr. Aizawa.

"We're getting close" stated Aaron.

The pros nodded their head and separated on their separate ways. Aaron and (Y/n) turned a corner and felt something pierce their arm. (Y/n) quickly turned around to only be punched. (Y/n) quickly put their hands in front of their face to block anymore punches. All of sudden (Y/n)'s wrists were tied together and so were their ankles. (Y/n) tried to get up but then was put in blind fold. (Y/n) struggled to break free from the ropes.

"Aaron! You have to run!" yelled (Y/n).

(Y/n) only heard a chuckle.

"Aaron?" asked (Y/n).

"Wow, kid. I'm impressed! You truly made them believe that you were some hopeless kid! Did you use the my sister is captive story, again?" amused the man.

"Aaron, is this true?" asked (Y/n).

The blind fold was taken off and in front of (Y/n) was Aaron smirking.

"Of course! After all, you are wanted by a lot of people in the black market" laughed Aaron," and you made it so easy! You made the rest go through a different route but you only directed them to where there are a lot of explosives!"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen. They looked around and saw that they were surrounded by multiple men.

Shit! I can't believe that I trusted this little shit!

"Now, we should get going before the bombs go off and make sure that there isn't any evidence of us being here!" ordered the man. 

All the men started to run around and start loading a bunch of women in a truck.

Shit, there are a lot of people here. I have to figure out a way to get them all out of here.

(Y/n) was picked up by a man and they tried to get out of his grip but failed. (Y/n) was thrown into the truck with the rest of the women. (Y/n) groaned when they made impact with the floor. (Y/n) knocked their head on impact and began to feel dizzy.

"Hey! Watch it! They're the main merchandise!" yelled Aaron.

The doors of the truck were closed and the engine started. (Y/n) tried to keep their eyes open but it was fatal. 


(Y/n) felt themselves being shaken. (Y/n) started to open their eyes and the women sighed. (Y/n) sat up and looked around at the women.

"Are all of you okay?" groaned (Y/n) and sat up.

All the women were crying and leaning on each other but they all nodded. (Y/n) moved their wrists to be able to get a better grip of the rope. Once they were touching it, (Y/n) started to heat up their hands. There was a soft red glow. One of the women gasped but was shushed quickly. The rope snapped and (Y/n) quickly took off the rope and repeated the process with their ankles. 

"Please help us" whispered the women.

(Y/n) nodded," I will. I just need to see how I'm going to get all of you out of here."

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