Chapter 37: Discussion

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(Y/n) woke up early the next morning. They tip toed out of their room. They closed their door quietly.  They went into the elevator and pressed the last floor. 

"Why are we up again?" yawned (Y/n).

"I have to get you ready for your exam and we can take this opportunity and see if you have my Quirk."

The elevator ringed and opened the doors. They stepped out and walked up the stair case. They pushed the door open with the sign that said Exit. It was still cloudy and the sun was just starting to come out.

"Wow, it's beautiful" awed (Y/n).

"We must hurry, (Y/n). We don't want to be late at the library."

"Right" nodded (Y/n).

(Y/n) walked in the middle of the roof and sat down. Just as (Y/n) was about to start their usual training the door opened. (Y/n) turned towards the door and saw no one there. (Y/n) felt a heavy weight on their stomach. They slowly got up without taking away their sight from the door.

Could it be?

"Hagakure?" called out (Y/n).

There wasn't a response but a phone started to ring.

"Hey (Y/n)! Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt! I was just going to make a call home and I came to the roof and didn't think anyone would be here" explained Hagakure.

That didn't get rid of (Y/n)'s gut feeling.

"We should leave."

What?! What if they are the traitor?!

"We don't have enough evidence against her. For now let's just leave but keep an eye out."

(Y/n) sighed, "It's fine. I was just going to train a bit before going to the library to study. You can take your call. I'll just go somewhere else. See ya."

(Y/n) walked back inside. They could feel their heart beating out of their chest. They started to make themselves down the stairs.

"Keep your cool. Don't act any different around her. We don't want to rise any suspicious." 


They eventually made it outside and started to walk a different path. They saw a clearing and made their way towards it.

"This should be good enough, right?" asked (Y/n).

There wasn't a response.

"I'm going to take that as a yes" mumbled (Y/n)

(Y/n) sat down on the grass and closed their eyes. They took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. They made a stump until they could hear some birds passing by. They could feel the sun starting to beam on them and the gentle breeze passing by. The tension in their body was slowly leaving their body.

"We need to level up you concentration."

(Y/n) jumped from being brought out of their concentration.

you scared me!

"Stand up."


"Stand  up on the stump and keep your balance."

(Y/n) sighed but did as they were told. They brought their legs together and tried to get up but their legs were shaking.

"Why aren't you up already?"

(Y/n) could feel an irked mark appear on their forehead, "It's easy for you to say! You aren't the one trying to stand up!"

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