Chapter 13: Memories

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Warning! There is some heavy stuff in this chapter.

(F/n): Father's name

(M/n): Mother's name

"Mom! Dad! We have to go! We are going to be late!" yelled (Y/n).

"We wouldn't be late if your Father actually would try and hurry up!" remarked (M/n).

"Don't start with that bullshit. We are going to take (Y/n) to the park as their birthday. How about you think about them for once, instead of trying to start a fucking argument with me?" suggested (F/n).

"Oh! Are you blaming this on me, now?!" shouted (M/n).

"C-can we please go? I want to see the ducks" whispered (Y/n).

"Good idea, (Y/n). Let's go before your Mother decides to ruin your special day" said (F/n).

(F/n) grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and pulled them towards the door. (M/n) soon followed them out the door and got into the car.

"I thought you weren't going to come?" questioned (F/n).

"I'm not going to miss my child's special day, even if that means I have to deal with you!" declared (M/n).

The ride to the park was quiet but (Y/n) could still feel the tension in the air.

'Maybe it was best to just have stayed home'

After they parked in the parking lot, (Y/n) got out of the car. (Y/n) awed at the kids playing in the playground. But (Y/n) didn't really get along with the other kids. Many in their class got scared of (Y/n) after they had manifested their Quirk. That was a year ago. (Y/n) walked towards where the pond was. Near by they saw the ducks and smiled.

"Mom! Dad! Look at the ducks!" exclaimed (Y/n).

(Y/n) turned around to see that their parents were arguing again. (Y/n)'s smiled dropped. They sat down on the grass near the pond. They brought their knees to their chest and saw the ducks swim around.

'Why are they always fighting?'

(Y/n) saw how the little ducklings were trying to get out of the pond to follow their mother. But one of them was struggling. (Y/n) made their way closer to the pond and helped the duckling out of the pond. The duckling quickly ran to catch up to the duck. (Y/n) smiled.

"(Y/n)! What do you think you're doing?!"

(Y/n) quickly jumped and turned towards their parents.

"I-I was helping the little duckling" stuttered (Y/n).

"But you got all your clothes dirty!" protested (M/n).

"Leave the kid alone. They are a kid, of course their clothes are going to get dirty" pointed out (F/n).

"I'm sorry, mom. I promise to be more careful" apologized (Y/n).

All of sudden there were screams of small children. (Y/n) looked towards the playground to see a hero and a villain were fighting each other. (F/n) quickly picked (Y/n) up and grabbed (M/n)'s hand and ran towards the car. They quickly got in and drove off.

"That was a close one" muttered (F/n).

(M/n) turned towards (Y/n),"Are you okay?"

(Y/n) nodded.

"(Y/n), can you make me a promise?" asked (F/n).

(Y/n) nodded.

"Don't ever become a hero"

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