Chapter 19: Camp

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Everyone from Class 1-A was in front of Mr. Aizawa.

"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However. Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights--for 'Plus Ultra'!" stated Mr. Aizawa.

"Yes sir!" exclaimed everyone.

"It's time for the training camp!" exclaimed Uraraka.

"Training camp! Training camp! Training camp!" chanted Mina and Kaminari.

Out of no where, Monoma appeared.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes?" mocked Monoma.

(Y/n) tched.

"Does that mean you had people who failed the finals?" Monoma continued," What? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that be?"

(Y/n) was about to punch Monoma until Kendo had beat them to it by hitting him on his weak point.

"Sorry" she apologized and dragged Monoma away.

"We kind of met during the sports festival but nice to meet you, Class A" greeted a girl with green hair and fangs.

"We're getting on the bus!" announced Kendo.

"Not just the girls from Class A but the girls from Class B will also be there! It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!" drooled Mineta.

(Y/n) felt an irk mark start to form.

I swear one day he is going to push me off the edge and I will punch him

"That's about enough out of you" stated Kirishima.

"Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!" annouced Iida.

(Y/n) was sitting by themselves in the back and looking out the window.

"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour. After that-" Mr. Aizawa was interrupted.

Everyone was making noise and Iida was trying to keep everyone quiet by shouting.


After an hour everyone got out to stretch. Mineta kept yelling something about needing to be pee.

"There's no point stopping without a reason" stated Mr. Aizawa.

"Where's the bathroom?" asked Mineta.

"Hey, Eraser!"

The voice had come from a black car.

"Long time no see" Mr. Aizawa greeted.

The pussy cats then proceeded to introduce themselves but (Y/n) wasn't paying attention. They were too distracted by the view.

Wow, I've never seen anything like this! I've been so use to the city I forgot that there was even places like this!

"These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the pussycats" said Mr. Aizawa.

"They're a four-person hero team who set up a joint agency! They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues!" fanboyed Midooriya," This year will be their twelfth workin-

"I'm 18 at heart!" interrupted the blonde one.

"Greet them, everyone" instructed Mr. Aizawa.

"Nice to meet you!"

(Y/n) noticed that there was a little boy wearing a red hat with spikes.

Why is there a kid here?

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