Chapter 36: Dinner

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I just want to clarify that the "Voice" will have "  " and your thoughts will be the same like they have been in the other chapters.

(Y/n) was putting their books in their bag.

"We should head to the teacher's lounge first and see if he is in there."

"(Y/n)! Hold up!"

(Y/n) looked behind them to see Uraraka running towards them.

"Hey Uraraka, what's up?" said (Y/n).

"Do you want to walk to the dorms together?" blushed Uraraka.

"Oh, um, I need to ask All Might something before I go to the dorms. You can go ahead, I'll meet you there and we can do homework together" suggested (Y/n).

Uraraka's smile faltered a bit, "Yeah, that's fine! I'll see you then!"

Uraraka walked the opposite way. (Y/n) went down the hall and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

(Y/n) opened the door was greeted by Midnight.

"Is All Might here?" asked (Y/n).

All Might stood up, "Young (L/n)! It's good to see you!"

"Hello All Might, its good to see you too. I want to ask you about something" stated (Y/n).

"Of course! What is it?" asked All Might.

"It's about All for One" whispered (Y/n).

All Might flinched but nodded. All Might lead (Y/n) to one of the teacher's lunchrooms. They sat on the couch across from each other.

"How do you know about All for One, other then the fact you guys fought" asked (Y/n).

All Might sighed, "All for One has been an enemy of mine for a long time. He was also my master's enemy but she didn't survive the last time I fought him."

"Is that when you got your injury?" asked (Y/n).

All might nodded.

"How does All for One have so many Quirks?" asked (Y/n).

"He takes them away from people" glared All Might.

"I want one of your Quirks" smirked All for One.

(Y/n) tensed, "How does he do that?"

"Well from what we learned from the hideout, he puts them in tubes and somehow sucks them out of the person." recalled All Might.

"And the he just collects it?" guessed (Y/n).

"Something like that" said All Might, "Why do you ask, Young (L/n)?"

"We need to talk to All For One and see what is his real objective. We need to find more logs and more about the child that disappeared."

"There are just some things that don't add up is all. Do you think there is a way that I can talk to All For One?" asked (Y/n).

All Might hesitated, "Young (L/n).... What are you planning?"

"Avoid the question."

"There is just something that I want to know. Something of my past." hinted (Y/n).

"It involves All For One?" questioned All Might.

"To an extent I guess" shrugged (Y/n).

"Does Midnight know?" asked All Might.

"Um, somewhat" hesitated (Y/n).

"You should really let her know. She really cares about you" insisted All Might.

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