Chapter 32: A Chance

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"Shh......wake up.."

I'm sleepy


Who's cute?

"Wake them the fuck up!"

(Y/n) slowly opened their eyes and sat up. They rubbed their eyes and saw Class 1-A.

"Oh, hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" yawned (Y/n).

"We came to see you" said Todoroki.

"We were all worried about you when we saw the news!" exclaimed Uraraka.

"I'm sorry to have worried you but I'm okay now" assured (Y/n).

"You better be! We've missed you!" hugged Hagakure.

(Y/n) chuckled, "I've missed you guys too."

"When will you be able to come back?" asked Jiro.

"Well the doctor said that I have to be in bed for 2 weeks" explained (Y/n).

"2 weeks?!" shouted the class.

(Y/n) sweat dropped, "Yeah. They don't want to risk anything because of my surgeries.

"How many did they do?" asked Tsu.

"Um, I think only two" (Y/n) thought out loud.

There was a knock on the door. Midnight opened the door and it was Midoriya, Mirio, and Eri.

"(Y/n)!" exclaimed Midoriya and Eri.

Eri ran up towards the bed and Mirio helped her up. Eri hugged (Y/n).

She's so cute!

"Had I known that you were going to be having visitors I wouldn't have came"

(Y/n) turned towards the new voice and saw the same policeman. Kenji Tsuragamae. Aizawa came into the room after him.

"All of you need to get out, except for Bakugo and Kirishima" informed Aizawa.

"Huh? Why? We just started talking to them" whined Mina.

Aizawa eyes turned red. That shut up the class and they started to walk out.


"If you think that I'm going to leave them by themselves, you are dead wrong. I'm their guardian. I have every right to be here" glared Midnight.

"it's alright. I don't mind. I just wanted to ask you some questions as well as the witnesses" calmed the dog man.

Bakugo and Kirishima sat down next to (Y/n)'s bed and Midnight sat next to them on the bed.

"What do you want to know?" asked (Y/n).

"Who was the person that kidnaped you?" asked Tsuragamae.

"Uhhhh, I guess you could say it was five people instead of one" said (Y/n).

"What are their names?" Tsuragamae took out a pen and notepad.

"Josh, Alyssa, David, Violet, and Alea" counted (Y/n).

"Do you perhaps know their last names?" pushed Tsuragamae.

"No. They never said" (Y/n) shook their head.

"Do you know what their motive was?" ask dog Tsuragamae.

"All I know is that they wanted to be recognized by society but I don't know with what" admitted (Y/n).

"Were you the only one that was kidnaped?" woofed Tsuragamae.


"Did Alea ever inject you with anything?" said Tsuragamae.

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