Chapter 25: Suspicious

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(Y/n) and Midnight were walking to Principle Nezu's office.

Is there really a traitor??

(Y/n) looked at Midnight.

What if Midnight is the traitor.....Wait! What am I thinking?! There is no way that Midnight could be the traitor...right?

Midnight knocked on the door and opened the door. All Might, Aizawa, and Principle Nezu were sitting on the couch.

"It's so nice that you could join us! Have a seat while I get some tea" instructed Nezu.

(Y/n) and Midnight did as told. Nezu handed them both a cup of tea.

"So, how do we think is the traitor?" asked Midnight.

"I have a feeling it has to be one of the teachers..."mumbled Aizawa.

"One of the teachers?" asked (Y/n).

All Might nodded, "The students wouldn't know where the camp would be at and they also didn't know the schedule either. We always change it to see where the students need to improve."

"So that would leave a teacher to be the traitor. It would give them easy access to the schedule and the location of the camp. I have my suspicion that it could be Class 1-B teacher" suspects Aizawa.

"Class 1-B teacher?" questioned (Y/n).

"That would make sense because the villains had attacked during the test of courage" thought Midnight.

"I still can't believe that there could be a traitor..."whispered (Y/n).

Midnight rubbed their back, "It's okay. We will get them."

"But why do you need help from me? I don't know him personally and I never really talked to him either" said (Y/n).

"Well, we were hoping that you could keep a look out during the night and see if there was anyone that wondered around" suggested Nezu.

(Y/n) blinked, "Like a watch dog?"

All three nodded.

Midnight hugged (Y/n), "That way I can keep a close eye on you and I could help!"

(Y/n) chuckled and patted Midnight's arm.

"So how about it, (Y/n)? Can you help us?" asked Nezu.

(Y/n) beamed, "Of course!"


(Y/n) was walking out from the café that they use to work at.

I can't believe they actually gave me the job and I even start tomorrow!

As (Y/n) was walking home a man with a mask in a shape of a beak and a purple jacket had caught their attention. They stopped in their tracks and saw him walking into an alley way. (Y/n) got a heavy feeling in their stomach.

Fuck it

(Y/n) started to make their way towards the alley. Once they turned into the alley the man was holding a little girl with bandages around her wrist and grey hair. (Y/n)'s eyes widen. They were about to take a step forward but was called out.

"I didn't take The Legend to be someone that is nosey" called out the man.

(Y/n) stepped out from their hiding place, "I don't mean to be but I always listen to my gut feeling. What are you doing to the girl?"

The man squinted their eyes, "Why should I tell you that? For all I know you can report me to the police."

If I want to save her all I can do is play along right now

The Legendary Myth (MHA x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें