21. Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"It's getting embarrassing now."

He chuckled a bit, "You'll live."

He tended to the bite, cleaned it and even patched it up. Before he left, he did have final remarks.

"I think, you should give your body time to heal completely. Whether she needs more protection or not, all this impact isn't good. She may be half werewolf but you are still human Y/n." He said and You turned to the side looking down.

"Thank you."  Jungkook spoke to the doctor letting him leave the room and closing the door behind him.

He stood at the door watching you in silence.

"You have...a doctor..?"  You broke the silence.

"He's more than just a regular doctor."  Jungkook spoke and silence erupted once again.

You wanted to leave the room.  You felt so nervous and awkward being there.  There was an odd tension between you two and now you were in his clothes.  It all felt weird.

"You should lay down.  I'll take the couch—"

"I rather not.  Shouldn't you be dealing with him?"  You quickly changed the topic.

What was even going on outside this room?  All I can assume is that the others took care of Chris.  I wonder what they did.

You couldn't stop thinking that Nia was here once and Jungkook brought her in here on his own accord.

What does he even see in her?

"The others got it under control.  My focus is making sure you are okay."  He spoke.

You leaned back into the couch, "Well your job is done.  I'm okay.  I'm not dead.  You can deal with something else."

You didn't need to deal with this right now.  You didn't need to deal with him right now.

"Y/n, what's wrong with you?"  He questioned.

You furrowed your eyebrows standing from the couch. You turned around to look at him.

He kept pushing your buttons. You couldn't understand why everything he did would only confuse you more. The more you heard about him and Nia made you angrier.

"What's wrong with me?  A lot of things!  But in the way you are directing it, you should be asking yourself that question!  No, actually go run to Nia, and let her 'comfort you.'"  You spat at him.

He watched you for a moment with his blank expression.

"Is this what it's about?"  He questioned softly.

He watched you intently.  He couldn't understand you, or read you as much as he tried.  You continued to push him in circles.

In a swift moment, he pushed you up against the wall pinning your hands above your head.  His body hovered over you.

You tried to fight out of his grip, but he was too strong, and you were still too weak from all that's been happening to you.

"What the fuck Jungkook?  Let me go!"  You screamed at him and he didn't budge.

He lowered his eyes to yours, almost as if he was trying to intimidate you.

"Me and Nia makes you mad."  He spoke lowly.

You continued to try and fight out, "The hell I care!  You two are perfect for each other!"

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