"I'm surprised you managed to sneak out, the whole union were so serious about us not seeing you until you were better, they practically had you under lock and key."

"Karma!" she turned around grinning from ear to ear, and threw her arms around the redhead's neck. he chuckled at her enthusiasm,

"wow, you missed me that much?" he teased,

"I've been stuck in a house with Corey and Harvey for company. you could be Terasuka and I'd be happy to see you." she then pulled a face at Maehara, who was complaining,

"How come he gets a hug!? none of the girls ever hug me!"

"That's probably because they find you annoying" Isogai explained, somehow his words even more brutal when paired to the warm smile he gave his friend as he gently steered them away from Karma and Y/N,

"How long have you been here? I can count at least four stall owners glaring at you" Y/N laughed,

"Oh, not long, besides, if they didn't want me to get the prizes that bad, they probably shouldn't have made their games so clearly rigged" she could see his Cheshire cat smile forming, and decided to lead him away from the poor stall owners before he got another bright idea,

"Well, I was gonna try out some of the game stalls, but it seems like they've all been put out of business" she sighed, what was she expecting when the whole of E class gathered in one place, she assumed that Koro-sensei hadn't had to deal with bringing assassins out, he clearly wasn't used to taking care of kids yet, within the union it was a well known rule that aside from jobs, no more than six could gather at a time, due to that one incident involving half the union, former ministers of the USSR, and several copies of the Hague convention. It hadn't ended well, and they were lucky the most severe consequence was exile from Cuba and all affiliated countries for those involved. She had had to negotiate with several international lawyers herself just to save the skins. Needless to say Koro-sensei wasn't doing too badly, but E class was still proving themselves to be a menace

so far, the only stalls that hadn't been put out of business, were the food stalls and a couple of games, mainly ones that didn't directly correlate to what they were taught in class, such as darts and archery, both of which Y/N turned out to be amazing at, meaning it wasn't long at all before all stalls except food stalls were put out of business, and there were so many prizes to carry around, Y/N rented out one just to keep all of the stuffed toys she had won,

"Alright!" Isogai exclaimed, holding up a plastic bag stuffed to the brim with goldfish, "Now, should I steam them or pan fry them?" ignoring Maehara's shocked face, Y/N made him an offer, "here, if you give a couple to me I can pay for your food instead? goldfish aren't that nutritious, and probably don't taste too good either."

Isogai shook his head, "It's fine, I don't want to be a bother." he avoided eye contact with Karma, remembering what the redhead had said about Y/N whilst on the summer trip, "The stall's still running, so if you want I can catch a couple for you?"

"I'll do it," Karma offered, grabbing her hand and walking towards the stall, he smirked at her, "Can't be any harder than talking a guy into giving you a games console for free."

"What, you mean extortion?" Y/N asked, still holding his hand, "and don't worry, the fireworks are gonna start soon and we should get a good view first, I know just the place." looking at her, in the multicoloured lights of the festival, she looked so ethereal, like an angel, or maybe a fairy, seeing as angels tended to have moral compasses. she probably didn't even realise the effect her smile had on him, or the way when their fingers were intertwined like this he just wanted to grab her by the waist, pull her in and kiss her, to see her stutter and turn red, to see her beautiful E/C eyes look only at him. but she didn't know, and there was no way he could tell her, so he just let her lead him up the hill, towards an empty playground. it had a great view of the festival, and there was a massive climbing frame right in the middle. they had just sat down right at the top when the first firework was set off. it screeched into the sky, and when it exploded she flinched, just slightly, and grabbed his hand again.

his heart felt like it was ready to stop when she leaned her head on his shoulder, she trusted him enough to do this, and he just wanted to scream don't do it, I'm not trustworthy, I'm in- I like you!.. a lot!" but he didn't, he just stayed quiet and looked at the way she just looked so beautiful, under the light of the stars, under the light of the fireworks, when she was in casual clothes, when she was wearing a boys school uniform, because Y/N was beautiful no matter where she went, or what she did, because he loved her so fucking much... because... he loved her...

because he was in love with Y/N L/N, he was in love with Scythe, one of the top assassins in the world, and she was close enough for him to kiss her at a moments notice.

he mulled it over in his mind, from here, he could just grab her jaw, or lift her chin, he could hug her, or cup her cheek, he could run his fingers through her hair, and maybe she would do the same...

he was ready to throw caution to the wind and just go for it, but at the exact moment he leaned in her phone rang, she sighed,

"Sorry Karma, can I take this?" once he nodded she accepted the call, and the person on the other line screamed loudly,

"Y/N HELP ME I BROKE STANDARD RULES AND-" then another voice cut the first one off, "SHUT UP AND LET ME DIGEST YOUR KNEECAPS!" he recognised the second voice as Harvey, the guy who left for a really long time but came back just in time to save Y/N from the poison, but Y/N ended the call before he could identify the first voice, she turned to him clearly trying not to laugh,

"Ok, so that sounded weird but I promise it sounds a lot better with context and-" to hell with waiting, he surged forwards and kissed her, right on the lips. it was just for a moment, a freeze frame, with one hand on the back of her neck, just a chaste peck, but in that single second it was like the world stopped spinning, and then faded away. the fireworks in the night sky were silent, the cheers of the people down below may as well have been miles away, here, in this moment there was nothing but the two of them.

but all moments have an end, no matter how much people wished to freeze time, to trap it and replay it again and again, time moves on, and as he pulled away he remembered that for Y/N, this moment hadn't been hours in the making, there hadn't been minutes of deliberation, there hadn't been any warning, which was perhaps what made her face in the moments after that kiss so delightful, her eyes were wide, and her ears were bright red with embarrassment, she was touching her lips with her fingers so softly, her stare fixated on a point a thousand miles away, like a little kitten, amazed at the disappearance of the red dot, in fact everything about here was so much like an adorable little cat in the moment, her eyes, the way she was sat, not to mention her fluffy hair. he ruffled it a little with one hand and jumped off the frame,

"heh, you know your ears go bright red when you're embarrassed" he was expecting a response, for her to call, him something or at least swear a little, but she just looked at him in disbelief, you know for an assassin she was remarkable slow on the uptake, he just shrugged and walked away, after the fireworks most stalls would be getting ready to pack up, since they'd want to sell their stuff as soon as possible, he'd probably be able to bargain with some of the remaining stall owners.

"...N....Y/N....Y/N!" it took Y/N a while to realise that Nakamura and Kayano were calling her name, she jumped off the frame and ran towards them,

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Don't 'what's up me!' you and Karma totally kissed!" Nakamura's face looked like Christmas had come early, whereas Kayano looked like she was about to combust,

"W-We're sorry, Y/N, we didn't mean to spy on you, it's- its just-"

"It's fine, Kayano, besides, I'm pretty sure it was an accident anyway."

"An accident!?" Nakamura looked like the H/C girl had just murdered her grandmother, "What do you mean an accident, he totally leaned in!?"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he was going for my cheek or something, and I mean I turned my head at the last moment anyway, so that's probably why he left too, anyway, I'm still hungry so I'm gonna get some food from whatever stands are left."

"oh my god.... she's so oblivious!"

"Yeah, I should write it down" said Nagisa, approaching them from where most of the boys were standing dumbfounded at what they had just witnessed, "She's almost as dense as Mr Karasuma, like a Karasuma Jr or something"

Y/N weak point #1: as dense as Karasuma

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