The Reaper's Scythe

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Harvey wasn't as tall as the rumors suggested, which was only surprising as the rumors didn't say he was very tall at all. He had lost his arm in an accident involving piranhas and crocodiles a few years ago, and had since then replaced it with a mechanical one, full of test tubes, gas canisters and a lot of salt, which he referred to as, "the good shit." needless to say, he wasn't considered "normal", to be expected from the fifth best teenage assassin in the world, but it was surprising how normal he came off compared to other assassins, of course, other assassins ate food off of guns, obsessively grew flowers, and upgraded their wheelchairs to the point where they had to be surveyed by the military whilst on a mission that was not approved by the government, however, he was still considered eccentric at the very least.

None if this was noticeable, however, when he was in his element, he ordered the paramedics around like it was second nature, and skillfully took care of answering Corey's questions via phone too, while never missing an opportunity to add in a "that's what she said" joke, it was clear why he and Corey got along.

The medical helicopter touched down at the union house, where Y/N was transferred to her room, rather than risking a hospital, "doctors ask too many questions" was the main reason, however, the union let Karma stay with Y/N, as long as he could keep her calm.

Y/N looked like she was on deaths door. Her face was paler than normal, with a tinge of green, yet her cheeks were a vibrant red. Her fingers were stone cold but her forehead had a major fever, she was too weak to lift her head yet her fingers clasped Karmas with a grip too strong to break away from, but after hours of different assassins coming and going, she finally began to visibly recover.

The first sign was the fever receding, soon enough her voice had healed enough for her to cuss out anyone near her, and soon enough Corey was cursing satan and asking him why he didn't just let her die, before putting on Finding Nemo for the fourth time.

"Now, what did I tell you about deadly poisons again?" Asked Harvey after saving Karma from having to watch that God forsaken movie again. Y/N groaned, leaning her head back into her pillow,

"If you're using cyanide, put it in something almond flavoured, it helps disguise the.... something"

Harvey just rolled his eyes, "correction, what did I tell you about ingesting deadly poisons"

"It tastes best with turmeric in it."

The conversation was going nowhere, luckily Corey showed up with a plate of sandwiches, piled so night you couldn't see his face behind it, Harvey picked one up and inspected it,

"What kind of knife did you use to cut the bread! It looks like you tried to shred it to pieces!"

"chainsaw" Corey deadpanned

"A chainsaw can't-" before Harvey had finished speaking, Corey pressed a button and various weapons came out of nowhere, guns unfolding from the back of his chair, all aimed at Harvey,

"One more word and I will blow you-"

"That's what she said, but seriously, what the fuck did you do to the bread?"

Before Corey could confirm or deny that he had actually used a chainsaw to cut the bread, a knife hit the wall in between the two boys faces, quivering just inches away from their noses,

"Drat..... missed" somehow, everyone had forgotten about Y/N, a rare occurrence, seeing how happy she was to play around with knives, "If you two are gonna fight, take it outside, the last thing I need right now is two morons in my room while I try to sleep."

"that's what-" another knife appeared millimeters away from Harvey's face, "alright, alright, I'm going, jeez."

once they had left, Y/N leaned back with a huff. Karma didn't know what came over him, but he ran his finger through her hair softly. To his surprise, she didn't pull away, instead letting him continue, even relaxing into his fingertips as she drifted into unconsciousness once again.

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