The Race

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"Yo, Y/N" Karma chucked his juice box at her lightly, she caught it easily and finished the rest of the juice before launching it across the room to land in the bin,

"Yeah?" She said, turning her head towards him with a look in her eyes that said, try me. He smiled to himself, she was in a competitive mood, that was good.

"How come you're always tripping over things?" She raised an eyebrow,

"Are you talking about the one time I tripped over a root in the woods?"

"Uhh, yeah." He wasn't, he didn't even know she had ever tripped over, but he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste, "aren't assassins supposed to always be aware of their surroundings?"

She sighed, massaging her temples, "normally I do, I was just-"

"Prove it." He cut her off before she could give a logical excuse for her fall, "prove you're not a klutz."

She laughed nervously, "excuse me?"

"Lets have a race, around he mountain after school, winner gets 500 yen, loser gets proven wrong."

"He had her there, if she declined, noone would think less of her, but she didn't know that, so to her, he had backed her into a corner,


He smirked, 'Oh poor, dear Y/N, you have no idea what you're in for.'


Unfortunately, for all of his planning, Nagisa had forgotten to plan ahead for one, probable scenario:
What do we do if Y/N is winning?

The answer? Well, they needed one, and fast because Y/N was already halfway through the route, coming up to where Yada, Kataoka, Kenzaki and Okajima were stationed. Needless to say, only Okajima was happy with the allocations.

"This is bad," Kataoka whispered

"I know!" Yada hissed back, "hey, Okajima, stay on your side!"

"There's no room there, and how come you're allowed to practically sit on each others laps, and I have to sit half in plain sight!" He tried to crawl over to the three, but Kataoka panicked and shot her foot out, kicking Okajima down the ravine,

"LOOK OUT OKAJIMA!" They cried after him, before remembering what was going on and staying hidden, just as Y/N vaulted over a fallen tree trunk into view.

"Oh god! Are you ok?" She asked, looking at him sprawled in a heap

"Y-yeah!" He replied, cursing his luck for the one time to be at a girls feet, and she was wearing pants, not a skirt. He tried to scramble to his feet, but pain shot through his ankle, he would have faceplanted in the dirt if Y/N hadn't caught him. She dragged him over to the fallen tree and sat him down.

"I need to look at your ankle, don't go getting any ideas," she warned, before untying his shoes and inspecting the swelling, "It looks like you've either sprained or twisted your ankle, its too early to tell which, but you need to get some ice on it before it starts to swell." She helped him up and looped his arm around her shoulders for support, heading straight up the mountain towards the classroom.

Once in the infirmiry on the old campus, she got him an ice pack and told him to keep it elevated,

"Hey, Y/N?"

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