sports festival preparations

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Y/N maintained eye contact with Asano, daring him to continue speaking. she cowed his minions into backing down, but the walking superiority complex stayed strong.

"I don't know what you're glaring at me for, (F/N), I'm not the one found breaking school rules by having a second job now, am I?"

god, she had almost forgotten how much she hated everything about Asano, at the very least his father treated her with a healthy respect, knowing the reason she was really attending his school.

she could see Nagisa, along with a couple of other E class students standing behind Isogai. Y/N knew that the 'prince among men' was in E class because of his job in the past, although this time it looked like he was facing expulsion.

"Well, prince," the one with glasses and greasy black hair sneered, "you'd better work hard for the sports festival, else its the end of the line for you"

the other members of the big 5 snickered along with him, and turned to walk past Y/N. the one with green hair tried to ram his shoulder into hers, but she stepped back a split-second before he made contact, swiftly hooking his foot and sweeping him completely off his balance. she was basically fighting for a sinking ship at this point, she may as well take small victories where she could.

as soon as they had left, Isogai sat down heavily into a nearby chair, Maehara and Kataoka went to console him, but he waved their hands off, "we're going to need to talk to the class about this tomorrow, so make sure you're on time!"

He was clearly attempting to make an escape, avoid the subject until tomorrow

"What's there to talk about? You train your asses off, crush them at whatever and then make the B-tech Akabane eat his words!" Corey spoke up, he looked cheerful as always, but Y/N had known him for long enough to sense the edge hidden just beneath his words. Asano represented everything Corey hated, he was manipulative and acted superior to everyone, and Corey was never a fan of competition in that area, but more than anything, Asano brandished power that wasn't his, bragged about the things that had been handed to him on a silver platter. It was lucky that he hadn't stuck around for much longer. Corey never hesitated to shoot people he didn't like, even for minor things, and after years of using only firearms, he had deadly accuracy.

"Well, even though I don't appreciate being compared to that bastard, he's right" no-one really knew when Karma had showed up, but there he was. He slung his arms around Y/Ns shoulder and smirked, "I'm sure with Killer Queen's help over here, we can beat those morons easily"

"But how's Y/N going to help us? I mean, no offense, Y/N, but the school says that pole-toppling is a boys only sport, and even if it wasn't, I don't think principal Asano would let you either way, he knows what you're like" Isogai didn't seem hopeful, he didn't even bother trying, he saw this as a lost cause.

"Who said I was gonna compete?" It was Y/Ns turn to smirk, looking at Corey, he gave a  small nod, "I didn't get this good by myself, y'know, and with the amount of training rooms at headquarters, you guys will at least give A class a run for their money!"


Y/N was true to her word. For the next two weeks, E class stopped by the union training houses so much, they were on a first name basis with most of the residence. Although it took some a while to warm up to who they considered non-assassins, most of them found common interests with them, the twins and Hara managed to bond over bread, although Hara tended to eat it while the twins generally sparred, knocking over tables and other bits of furniture until there were crumbs covering the floor. On the other hand, there were people who somehow managed to fit in seamlessly, so well that it was easy to forget that they were fron E class. The most surprising was Nagisa and Kayano, who somehow hit it off with the other assassins so well they were invited on 'special' tours, which mainly consisted of specific places to cry, but the sentiment was nice.

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