underwear thief part 2

Start from the beginning

"Calm down, Itona isn't gonna be helped by you making yourself bleed, and besides, the fight's gonna be over soon anyway, look, the Octopus seems to be revealing his ultra special secret move which we all totally didn't already know about"

Y/N laughed slightly, she was really pretty from the side, especially when she laughed. The moonlight was reflected in her eyes, and the way her hair escaped from behind her ear, catching the light in the most ethereal way, he would have thought she was some kind of fairy if he didn't have such a good grip on her hand, he squeezed it, to prove to himself that she was real, and not just a dream. But real or not, their teacher was in the middle of a fight, they couldn't afford to get distracted, but it seemed like he didn't need their help at all, as he neatly ended the fight, floating down to face Shiro with a defeated Itona in his arms. For some reason, Shiro didn't look desperate, or even like he minded defeat. Instead, he seemed to be waiting for something, and that something became apparent when Itona doubled over in pain, slipping from Koro-sensei's grasp. He kneeled over, grabbing fistfuls of his own hair,

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Itona!" Y/N jumped down from her vantage point without hesitation, Karma tried to stop her, but she slipped through his fingers, running to the white haired boy's side, "Open your mouth!"


Y/N didn't seem to care about the others staring at her, she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small handful of white pills, "These are gonna help you, I promise, so open your mouth!"

"Where- where did- where did you get those?" Itona was gasping for breath as Shiro watched, seemingly in amusement,

"Ah, it seems like you're too curious for your own good, yet again Scythe, but pray tell, how did you acquire those pills?"

"Itona dropped them last time this happened, on the first job I did with him- what, you didn't honestly think that a Union made to stop children from getting taken advantage of would stand by and let you do this to him? we replicated the painkillers, I've been carrying them around since I found out what they were for, and thank god I did, else who knows how painful this could have been for Itona!"

"... you did all that for Itona?" Nagisa was dumbfounded, the others too it seemed,

"Well, duh! what, did you think we all became assassins the same way you did? that we were all just perfect, normal kids, when we went to our perfect, normal school one day when we got given the offer of a lifetime? grow up! we all came from the slums, or were trained to kill since before we could wrap out heads around the concept of death! we came from rock bottom, where killing was the only way to survive, Shiro, The Reaper... they're all the same! they were like our saviours and then they just left us to die. that's why the Union exists, for the people who were already ruined, for the people who had gone too far to turn back and so just blindly let themselves be strung along, just hoping that there would be light at the end of the tunnel, that one day we'd look around and everything would be normal!"

tears were forming in her eyes, even Itona's cries had quietened, the painkillers seemed to be working, yet no-one moved, they had all seen Y/N's mask slip, they had seen her fight, complain, argue, but never cry, only Karma had seen her cry before, and never like this, it was like she had already cried a million times, and all that remained was a whisper, a broken girl, crying for a past she couldn't change, the choices she had made that she couldn't take back. even Koro-sensei realised that he was close enough to pull her into a hug, to tell her it was alright... but he couldn't. She was within reach, but miles away, and all he could do was listen to the child he had broken all those years ago without caring what would happen to the pieces "... but it doesn't happen... you open your eyes, and you see the blood on your hands, the people you've killed... and its too late to turn back. the one person you thought you could rely on, your saviour, your lifeline- they're gone... and they aren't going to come back for you... no-one will."

the moment of realisation hit the five E class students, right then and there, Y/N wasn't like them, she had been betrayed, lied to, and so much more, she had been abandoned by the people who made her who she was, and even if she pretended not to care, there was no way that it didn't get to her. For all her sarcasm, biting remarks and insults, she cared about the kids in the union enough to put herself on the line in a fight with the odds stacked against her, she cared about Itona enough to take one look at the pain his tentacles put him through once, and immediately look into how to help him just in case, on the slim chance that he might go through what she did all those years ago, and, looking back to the island retreat... she cared about E class too... she cared enough to get poisoned, to devote her time to helping them train, and to look out for them when they got her involved with insignificant jobs like this when she didn't have to, even right after they had turned their backs on her so easily. Kayano burst into tears and hugged Y/N tight. she didn't say anything, but Y/N let her stay there until she pulled away of her own accord.

"Well, isn't this touching, but I think I should mention that it is a little out of place, seeing as Itona's brain is currently being devoured by his tentacles, I do feel as though that may be a more... pressing issue." Shiro drawled, his voice dripping with irony, Y/N cursed under her breath, bringing out a handgun,

"Do you honestly think we're going to overlook this? you'll be blacklisted, every criminal in the underground will be after you, and when it comes down to a choice between our organisations the government will choose us hands down."

"Scythe, if I'm not mistaken, pulling a weapon on me violates our agreement-"

"Fuck the agreement" she looked like she was ready to pull the trigger, "If Itona dies from this the Union will hunt you to the ends of the earth-"

"Well, that is a bit of a pickle," the humor in Shiro's voice was evident, "Well, with that in mind, I suppose the best way to avoid that course of action would be to make sure the union never hears about this" bullets hailed down, as if they had been waiting for Shiro's command, one grazed Y/N's ear, the other her arm, but there were so many coming, one lodged in her shoulder, another in the elbow of the same arm, it was a miracle she was still standing, let alone aiming her gun at Shiro's retreating figure

bang! an assassin toppled out of a nearby tree, a bullet lodged in his forehead

bang! another, this time from the nearby building




one by one, every sniper fell, all were dead before they hit the ground, but by the time the firing has ceased, Shiro was nowhere to be found

"Y/N! we need more pills! Itona's waking up again!"

"I don't have anymore" Y/N had fallen to the ground, cradling her mangled arm, blood staining her T-Shirt, "Call the Union, say it's an emergency, Itona's already in the system, they know what to do"

Terasuka took her phone and searched through the contacts to find the number he needed, before calling it, "They want to know what kind of emergency it is, apparently life threatening doesn't work" he spent quite a while trying different comparisons, all while Itona grew more aggravated, and Y/N lost more and more blood, by the time Itona ran off, Y/N snatched the phone from Terasuka and choked out three words before finally losing consciousness,

"Finding... Nemo.... 3"

the phone slipped through her fingers as she fell to the floor. Terasuka picked it up, listened to what the person on the other end said, and then stared at his companions in disbelief,

"They said they'd be here in five minutes max"

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