Chapter 49

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(2 Days Later)

(Sammie POV)

Right now I'm on my way to Zari house to spend some time with her. But also got to talk business with her brothers. When I asked them to hang with me I wanted to run a business proposal to them.

I remember Zari telling me that one of her brothers is really good at hacking computers and all that. To have a top notch hacker in my crew will definitely have me on top of shit. When I asked them about it they was cool with it.

I even asked how would they feel about selling some of my product to them rich kids. So Zack handle hacking shit while Zachariah moves the product.

Its only been a week and he sold all that shit. Them white kids don't play no games when it come to drugs. I just hope Zari don't get mad at me for putting her brothers on. When I pulled up I noticed Zari car wasn't out here.

But that was fine gives me a chance to talk to her brothers. I knocked on the door and Zack let me in. "What up lil bro." I said while giving him dabbed. "Shit chilling Zari went to the gas station she will be back in a minute."

"Alright call your brother down so we can talk for a min." He pulled his phone out and texted his brother and 2 minutes later Zachariah came down. "What up bro." We dabbed each other then got down to business.

"So Zack what you find out?" "Don been staying at the house you know about up until Thursday now he in a hotel out here." "So that means he trying to kill Zarielle to get back at me." "Looks like it." "Alright good job and Zachariah I'll give you more product before I leave so I'll just collect the money then."

"Alright Bet." They left and went upstairs while I sat in the living room and waited for Zari. Five minutes later she came in with bags so I went to help her. "Hey beautiful." I said while giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing some bags.

"Hey handsome, how long you been here?" "Not to long ago." I helped her put the snacks away and went upstairs to her room. While pass by her brothers were going downstairs. "Where y'all going?" She asked them. "We going out with some girls from school we will be back in the morning."

"Ok be safe love y'all." "We love you too." And with that they was gone and that left me and Zari with the house to ourselves for the night.

(Next Month)

(Keke POV)

"Keke what is wrong with you?" I said to myself looking in the mirror. Its been a month since that night I had with Zari brothers. What's even crazy is it didn't stop.

Sometimes they come over my house or the sneak me over there house. I never in a million years thought I would be messing around with two dudes and they cool with it.

Its just one weird ass set up, I'll have my time with Zack then some hours later I'll just have some time with Zachariah. I don't know if its just cause I'm hurt over Jojo or if I'm actually starting to like Zari little brothers.

But what I do know is we can't do this forever. Right now the boys are on there way to my house and as much as I don't want to end things with them I have to. Its fair to them and I can't be selfish and think I can just have two twin brothers.

I was so into my thoughts I didn't even hear them come in. "Hey beautiful." Zack said while giving me a kiss while Zachariah just sat on my bed.

That's actually not surprising Zack shows me more affection while Zachariah can be just an asshole sometimes.

"Y'all we need to talk." Zachariah stopped looking at his phone and looked at me. "About what?" I started pacing back an forth trying to figure out how I'ma say this.

"This is not easy for me to say, I appreciate both of you guys being here for me being a shoulder to cry on and as well fixing my sexual needs. But its not fair for you guys to have to share me and plus I don't know how your sister will feel about me messing with you guys, so its just best we end this situation now."

"You don't think you should of told us this before we came all the way this way." Said Zachariah. "We can still hang this weekend it will be like our last moment together but I just feel its for the best."

Are you sure because it don't bother us that we both like you." Stated Zack. I sighed and just nodded my head. "Fuck all that should of said this before we came all this way y'all can hang I'm gone."

Zachariah dabbed his brother and left. See what I mean that nigga can just be mean as hell. "You already know how he is believe it or not he feel some way about it but he good." "Are you leaving to?" "Yea I'ma head out I wish it didn't have to be this way but we respect what you want."

He gave me a passionate kiss on the lips then left out. I didn't want to end it but lets be realistic here I can't have both brothers forever it eventually will have to end right.

(Next Day/Friday Morning)

I'm walking with Aubre and Keta to school we are excited about going to Zarielle house after school for her birthday.

Since she turns 17 tomorrow all she wanted to do was have a slumber party but what she doesn't know is we actually threw her a surprise party. We got the ok for her mom.

Since she rock with more people out here than at her school we will be driving back this way for the party. Sammie decided we can throw it at his house so thats were it will be at. It's definitely going to be lit.

(Later That Night)

"I'm so sick of this Meka bitch she steady running her mouth on facebook." "What she say this time?" I asked Aubrelle. "Girl talking about she can't wait to have her baby so she can beat my ass."

that bitch cannot fight." Keta said. "Well fuck her she a non factor, so Keke who is the mystery guy you been talking to?" I was shocked Zari asked me that.

When I decided to entertain her brothers I asked her for some advice but made it seem like I was only talking to one guy.

"Dang you got a new man and didn't tell us." Keta said trying to look hurt. "He not my man, we don't even talk anymore so can we please drop the discussion." "Aw well don't rush it I know you still missing Jojo so understandable." Aubre stated.

I just want to get off this topic, I really miss the twins and its pissing me off because I didn't think I would be missing them. As we continued our sleepover having girl talk Zachariah came in the room.

"Aye Keta let me holla at you for a minute." Keta got up to see what he wanted and all I could think was damn he look good. She came in moments later and sat back down. "What did he want?" I asked her she leaned and whispered in my ear, "he just wanted to know what time we was leaving tomorrow for the party."

I just nodded my head and continued to enjoy hanging with my friends.




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