Chapter 2

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(Next Day)

I just been moping all day playing music not feeling anything I'm just glad we got one more week of school then summer vacation.

Usually my cousins come out her for the summer every year but I talked my mom to let me go to them. She didn't want me to go because my aunts still live in the projects my mom grew up in, but I dont care I have to get out of here.

Matt haven't reached out to me yet. I at least thought he would check to see if I'm ok or how I'm holding up. Even though i don't feel attractive and have low self-esteem I thought he somewhat cared about me to have been messing with me all these years.

Then again what did I expect I'm just some ugly girl he slept with in private. Now that its out he might not even want nothing to do with me. As I'm sitting in my room in my thoughts my phone started ringing.

I looked it was my cousin Keta.

"Hello" "bitch so we got to be stuck in the projects cause yo butt want to get away." "Right I was looking forward to chilling in y'all pool all summer." Aubrelle chimed in. "Well hello to y'all too."

"For real why you want to come out here? I wanted to come out there." I just sighed and gave them the run down on what happen. I love my cousins Keta and Aubrelle they are really my best friends.

Even though I dress how I dress they still accept and love me. And every summer when they come out here females wont mess with me because they know my cousins will beat them up.

"See this why we should of came, so we can beat all them bitches up and Matt white ass ain't stick up for you but you giving him pussy. Let me just shut up because I'm mad thinking about it." Said Keta

"I know but this is why I just need to come out by y'all I need to get away for the summer." "Ok we understand well we can't wait to see you, are you driving up here or your mom dropping you off?" Aubrelle asked.

"I'm driving so we can be able to move like we want." "Alright bet our summer about to be lit, I'll talk to y'all later." We hung up now, I feel so much better If I can't count on no one I know I can count on my cousins.

(Friday/ Last Day Of School)

My last week of school have been hell, all everyone been talking about was me and Matt. And speaking of Matt he still haven't reached out to me not one phone call or text. It hurts my feelings that I really didn't mean anything to him after all these years.

I'm just glad this the last day I have one more year in this hell whole then I'm off to college.

As soon as school is out I will be getting on the highway to head to my cousins for the summer.I'm sitting in my last class just watching the clock like it will go any faster when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around to see who it was and it was this guy named Robert. He is pretty popular a lot of girls be wanting him too.

"Look if you about to say something mean please don't I hear enough as is." "No I'm not I just wanted to let you know I don't believe the rumors about you."

"Ok but don't think I look for people to believe me I'm use to it." I turned around and just waited for class to end.

Once the bell rung I grabbed my things and hurried out. I made it to my car to see my brothers waiting for me.

"Hey sis you ready for your drive?" Zachariah asked. "Yea I am ima miss you guys so much." "We is too." Zack said, we hugged then I got in my car and drove off to my destination.

My cousins stayed three hours away from where we live, I know why is my mom letting her 16 year old travel three hours away alone. It's simple she trusts me I really am that good teen I don't sneak out or go to party's.

The most I ever did was sneak Matt in my room. On this drive I plan to just blast my husband Joe Thomas and just enjoy this road trip.



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