Chapter 3

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(Three Hours Later)

After my long drive I finally pulled up to my auntie house. I will say this is completely different from my neighborhood its cops out, and you see men on the block and a bunch of kids playing outside.

I'm in the driveway still haven't got out yet, when I see Keta come out the house. She put her head back in the house and yelled "mom Zarielle here."

I got out and we ran to each other and gave each other a hug. "I missed you." I said "Me too, come on lets get inside and I see you still didn't change your style." "Shut up you know fashion not my thing. "Wrong you choose to look this way its a difference."

My cousins have been trying to get me to change my style for years but I'm just scared what if I'm still ugly.

We made it in the house and I see my auntie sitting in the living room watching tv.

" Hey auntie Mary." "Well if it ain't my favorite bougie niece." "Hey now I'm a lot of things but bougie is not my personality." We both started laughing and all three of us just was catching up.

"So, your momma still having you take care of your brothers like you pushed them out?" "Auntie I dont mind it plus they listen to me." "That's not the point you should be enjoying your youth and then on top of that she bringing in to much money for you to be dressing like this."

"Mom she choose to dress like that and you know it." "I dont understand we all have good looks and she chooses to hide it." I got up and just went to my cousin room.

But I can still hear my cousin and auntie talking. "Mom why you always got to throw how she dress every time you see her."

"I dont mean to hurt her feelings but I see the beauty underneath that I just want her too." "We have to let her do that on her own terms." "You right."

(Next Day)

"Aye wake up lets get this summer started right." Aubrelle said. Me and Keta jumped up and gave her a look. "When did you even get here?" I asked while getting up to give her a hug.

"Not to long ago now come on y'all the hood already jumping and its only 10 o clock."

Me and Keta got up and started getting ready. My cousins they looked really cute they have some banging body's to be 16.

Yea were all the same age, crazy how my mom and her sisters got pregnant all at the same time and had girls. I on the other hand is still wearing my same style baggy clothes and big glasses.

"Zari can you please change your style you in the hood, now you think them rich kids in your neighborhood mean just wait until we head outside." Keta said.

I just rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to put my hair in a ponytail. "I agree too, these hood kids be on a different level of mean." "I will be fine I'm used to it ok."

They just nodded they head and left the topic alone. After we ate breakfast we left to walk outside.

When walking off the porch someone said, "aye Keta who the fuck is that with them big ass glasses on? Her ass popped." And I heard a bunch of people laughing. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Don't worry about it Keke just keep her name out your mouth before I beat your ass." Aubrelle said.

"Zari are you sure you don't want to change it just a little bit?" Keta asked. "Yes I'm sure now can we please change the topic." "Ok ok fine we will." She said while putting her hands up.

Aubrelle suggested we go to the basketball court since that's where everyone be at anyway.



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