Chapter 5

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( Zarielle POV)

Once I made it to the house I just chilled and just finished catching up on Vampire Diaries. After being there for pretty much most of the day.

Keta came bussing in the house. "Aye Zari get dressed we going to a party tonight." I rolled my eyes and just said "I don't think I'm up for it just go without me." "Hell no now lets go."

I gave up I just went to find something to wear. Once I found something to wear I got in the shower and did all my hygiene things. When I got back to the bedroom the clothes I had laid out on Keta bed was no longer there.

It was a yellow crop top and some black pants on the bed. Keta what is this?" "Look I saw how your feelings was hurt when they was making fun of you so, I don't care what you say just put this on. Because I'm not trying to fight no bitch for coming at you crazy."

I just sat on the bed and thought about what I was gong to say. "I get your looking out for me but I'm fine I can handle the mean jokes." "Alright but when somebody get to roasting your ass Aubre the one who helping tonight I'm off duty tonight."

She gave me a hug and went to finish getting dress while I went to put on the clothes I originally had out.

Once we was dressed we took a couple of pictures then headed down stairs. When we made it to the front door my auntie asked where we was going.

"To a party mom." Keta said "Zarielle you going like that?" "Mom" "My bad you can at least take them damn glasses off." "Auntie really." "I'm just saying you dont have to look like you coming from the 60s with them big ass goggles on." "I hate to cut this short but we do have a curfew see you later mom."

Me and Keta had left and got in my car and headed to Aubrelle house. Once we pulled up in front of Aubrelle house I blew the horn so she could come out.

Five minutes later she came to the car and got in the back seat. "Alright lets turn the fuck up." Keta said as she started turning up the radio. 15 minutes later we finally pulled up to a nice size house.

"Who party is this anyway?" I asked. "Oh this Sammie party his parties are legendary. Keta said. I just nodded my head then we got out and headed to the house.

Once we made it in it was jammed packed I mean we hardly had any room to move. We had headed to the dance floor to dance. I was having fun until people was looking at me laughing.

"Man who the fuck is that girl she bogish as hell for them glasses." When i heard someone say that I just went and hid in the back. My cousins was right on my hills.

"I told you to wear what I had put out this is what I was trying to avoid." "Keta stop being insensitive you know she not ready for that yet." "Well I'm going back to dance you can babysit tonight." With that Keta left and went back on the dance floor with her other friends.

"It's fine you can go enjoy the party just come get me when yall ready to go." "Zari you can't just sit here the whole night alone." "It's fine I'm use to it just go have fun." "You sure." "Yes I want you guys to have fun now go." And just like that Aubrelle went back to the dance floor.

I pretty much watched everyone have fun for almost and hour, then I was bored strolling on facebook. While scrolling I see Matt was tagged in a picture by Lacy. The caption says with My Forever.

I just put the phone down and started watching the party. Even though I was trying to hide I was still hearing people talk about me It was definitely one of the most uncomfortable feeling ever.

After holding my pee for almost two hours I decided to just get the courage to go find the bathroom. When I found it, it was literally only one bathroom the guest was using and it was super long.

I was about to see if it was another bathroom but two dudes ended up arguing. Before I could even attempt to find where my cousins was gun shots filled the party. I was far from the exit door so I went to hide in another room.

When I walked in some guy I've seen at the basketball court before came out running. I grabbed my phone to call Keta.

"Zari where are you." "I'm still in the house I was scared so I hid in a room. Well come on before the police come." I got up while Keta was still on the phone and headed towards the door.

When I opened it Sammie was standing right in front of it and I bumped him. "What the fuck you doing in there?" "I'm sorry I was scared of the gun shots so I just hid in there."

He had the evil look on his face and I was so scared. "Just get out of here before the cops come." I did exactly what he said and ran out the house.

I think its safe to say I might not want to go to another party with my cousins again. I finally made it to the car and see my cousins looking nervous. "Girl about damn time you had us worried." Aubrelle said.

"Sorry but lets just get out of here." We all got in the car and headed to Keta house.



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