Chapter 1

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"Hey you brace face four eyed bitch get out my way." With that I was pushed into the locker  and the girls started laughing.

I just sighed and picked up my books that had fell. I was so tired of the bulling I was getting. I stayed getting bullied by the girls in this school, even the boys bullies me.

They would call me ugly and even say nobody wants me. Anyway let me introduce myself my name is Zarielle MacAfee I'm 16 years old I'm a junior in high school. I live with my mom and two younger brothers they are identical twins.

They are 14 years old and they are freshman's. My dad well he died before I was born he got into a car accident he was drunk driving and flew out the windshield died on impact. Well now that you know a little bit about me back to my boring life.

School was now out, so now I'm waiting on my younger brothers so we can leave.

My mom well she rich I mean super rich, the twins dad was a big time athlete in the NBA and he gave her a lot of money and with that money she became one of the biggest fashion designers.

A lot of people be shocked when they find out who my mom is she is a big fashion diva, and me on the other hand I dress horrible. I wear baggy clothes I hide my body, I wear big glasses and I do have braces but it's getting close for them to come off.

"What took y'all so long I'm ready to go?" I asked my brothers. I love my brothers they are literally my only friends, if they are around when someone is bulling me they stick up for me. It's sad to say my younger brothers have to be my protectors.

A lot of people are nice when they are around because they are the most popular ones out the whole school. Crazy right they just came to my high school and are the most popular boys.

They have senior girls trying to be their girlfriends. Their names are Zack and Zachariah. I don't know why my mom had started all our names with the letter z I guess that's just something she wanted to do.

"Hey sorry you know everybody be trying to see what we doing this weekend." Said. Zachariah. I just rolled my eyes and once they got in I drove off the school parking lot in my 2017 Dodge Charger.

When we made it home we found a note from my mom saying she had to rush out of the country to check on one of her stores and that she will be back in five days. This was pretty normal she didn't believe in having nannies, so I pretty much had to take care of my brothers ever since her fashion business took off.

"Well hope you don't mind sis it's Friday and we invited the whole school over for a party." Zack said, "please just make sure y'all keep the house clean and out my way I'll be in the pool house." "How come you don't try to socialize with people? Maybe if they got to see the real you then they will stop bulling you." "Zack its fine I don't mind being alone anyway just enjoy y'all night."

I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and then went to the pool house.

(Time For Party)

It's 7:00 and its some people already here at the party. I'm just looking out the window just watching everyone coming in. I see all the girls with short shorts and dresses on. I don't know why I won't be more social, but I just can't see myself being fake with people who bullied me pretty much all my life.

I was still watching people come in but froze when I seen my crush. His name is Matt he was one of the finest white boys I've ever laid eyes on.

We been secretly having sex nobody knows but me and him. He doesn't want the school to know that we been sleeping together since freshman's. I understand I mean look at me I'm ugly and nobody wants me, but long as we keep having sex I'm ok with it.

We made eye contact I quickly looked away and just laid back down on the bed to watch a movie. Thirty minutes into the movie I see the pool door open and see it was Matt. He walks up smiling,

"hey baby what you watching?" "I'm just watching Love and Basketball." He laid in the bed with me and started kissing my neck. "Don't start something you cant finish." "Now you know I always finish what I start." He placed his hand under my chin and guide my face towards his and started kissing me.

While were making out, he started moving his hands between my legs. It wasn't hard for him to get access because i have on a night gown and, I have no panties on so I opened my my legs willingly for him. Things got hot and heavy and we ended up making love like always.

As soon as we got done we where just laying down talking. Five minutes later somebody busted in the pool house. "Matt your in here?" We both look to see one of the main girls who bully me. Her name is Lacy.

If you haven't noticed by now most of the students are white. It's some black students but not that many. "Wow who would of thought nerd girl and Matt. Everybody come look nerd girl ain't so innocent as we thought."

Everybody in the party just started coming in laughing some had they phones out recording. I ran off with tears in my eyes, I made it to my car and speed off.

I just can't believe that just happened all these years of no one knowing we was sleeping together now the whole school is going to know. I kept getting notifications on my facebook so I looked to see, and it was a videos of everyone coming in on me and Matt.

People was commenting saying I been knew she was a secret hoe. Or I wonder who else she opening up her legs too. I pulled over and just broke down crying. This is so messed up, not only will the school know, but now the social media world will know.

After sitting in my car for almost six hours I finally made my way home. When I made it in the house both of my brothers was sleep on the couch. I tried to sneak pass them but I heard Zack call my name. "I don't want to talk about it."

He just came up and gave me a hug then said, "just know we made them take down the video and delete all videos of you and Matt on their phones. I just nodded my head then broke down in his arms. "It's ok sis we got you forever ok." "Ok" I let go of him and just went to my room and just starred at the ceiling until I fell asleep.



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