Part 2 (ReWritten)

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Raven's POV

"What's going on?" Cal asks me. "Sit down." I tell him as I sit on the ground. Cal sighs and sits on the step in front of me. "Okay, talk." Cal says. "Cal, because you're here it means you're a demi-god. So you have a godly parent. Me being here, means I am also a demi-god. Unlike you, I have known about myself for a few years now. I had my suspicions about you, but I wasn't sure." I tell him.

"...Why didn't you tell me?" Cal asks me. I sigh and look away. "If I told you, that would put a target on your head." I tell him as I look him in his eyes. "Plus, we're not supposed to tell humans. If we do, many of the gods and goddesses will gladly kill them. So I thought it was best to not tell you." I tell him. Cal nods his head, "I understand. But promise to talk to me about anything you can." Cal says. "I promise," I tell him.

After a minute I yawn and shake my head. "When was the last time you slept? You have dark bags under your eyes." Cal asks. "Uhhhh, I think it's been about two days now." I tell him. "And how much did you sleep before that?" He asks me with a raised eyebrow. "I think I got about six hours of sleep all last week." I tell him. "Ray, you need to sleep!" Cal tells me with a scolding look. "I know, but I have too much to do. And you know... Nightmares." I tell him with a shrug.

"Go to sleep. I'll wake you up later or I'll carry you to where we're going." Cal says as he looks at me. "Nah, I'm fine." I tell him. "When did you get off work?" He asks me. "Like ten or so minutes before I got teleported to the desert," I tell him. "Didn't you work a double shirt?" Cal asks. "Yeahhhhh." I say. Cal sighs and gets up. He sits down next to me and pulls me close to him. "Go to sleep." He tells me as he holds me.

"I'm not tired." I tell him as I yawn again. "Yes, you are. Go to sleep, and I'll wake up you up when everyone gets here." Cal tells me as he pulls me closer. I feel my eyes slowly start to close. Cal softly starts to hum. After a few minutes, I finally give into the darkness. I let my body relax and i fall into a deep sleep. 

(ReWritting!!!!)Daughter Of The Egyptian Goddess Of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now