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TW: Panic Attack ((A/N: The panic attack in this chapter is just based on some of my panic attacks. If you do not like reading stuff like this please skip this chapter. This chapter is just a full blown panicy chapter.)

Cal's POV

I just finished meeting everyone that was at the event. I noticed Raven didn't follow me awhile ago. But I figured she just went to meet people on her own. But that thought flew out the window when I asked around and everyone said they haven't seen her here. I begin to panic. "...I saw her leave with a boy." I hear Magnus say quietly. "Wait, she just got up and left with a boy?!" I say with concern and panic in my voice. "Yeah, I saw her and a boy talking. Then they both left. That was at the beginning of the event." Magnus tells me as I turn to them.

Then I begin to panic even more. I can feel a panic attack coming on so I quickly leave. I look around outside of the building but I don't see her anywhere. So I ran to the Egyptian pantheon rooms. I hurry and open her bedroom door without knocking. At this point I don't care. I'm just worried and panicking. I leave her room and shut her door. Next I open my bedroom door and walk inside. Wondering if she could be sleeping in my bed. But seeing no sign of her my breath gets shallower and my mind races more.

I sit on the ground and pull my knees up to my chest and put my head in between my knees. My breath getting shorter and more together. My body begins to shake and my mind races to all the bad things that could be happening to the girl I think of as a sister. Tears well up in my eyes as they begin to fall freely onto the floor. My mind now racing too fast making it so I can not think correctly. My hands begin to pull at my hair without me even realizing it. It begins to feel as though the time is going by very fast but also as slow as can be.

By the time I calm down it feels as though three hours have passed. But when I look at the time I see that only one hour has passed. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. Wincing at the pain in my scalp from me pulling my hair hard during my panic attack. I take a deep breath. My mind is still racing because I still have yet to find Raven. So I leave my room and look around the common area again. Still not seeing her, I check her room one last time before I leave. I walk outside and take a deep breath of the fresh air.

I walk around the camp. Asking anyone and everyone if they have seen a girl with dark blue hair, blue eyes, and a bunch of piercings. No one knew who I was talking about. And everyone I asked told me they didn't know where she was. All of which made my anxiety spike up even more. I begin to have another panic attack with all the thoughts racing around in my head about what could have happened to Raven. I begin to fear for the worst. That is until I speak to one last person.

This last person helps ease my worries. I have yet to fully meet this person. And I didn't have time to get their name or tell them my name. Which i am sorry for. But I am in too much of a panic at the moment to care. But this person told me they saw the girl I had described sitting under a tree with a boy. They had told me they were both sitting on a hill by the mess hall. So I told the person thank you and then I quickly left.

I walk up to the mess hall. Seeing no one I began to walk around the mess hall. But after a couple minutes of not seeing anyone I began to panic again. That is until I hear Raven talking. So I quickly walk over to where I heard her voice. I run up to where Raven is at. "There you are!" I say out of breath as I feel the other panic attack begin to leave seeing as Raven is okay. "Cal? What's wrong?" Raven asks me as she stands up. The boy she is with stands up as well and looks between both me and Raven with confusion on his face.

"Raven, I was worried as hell when I noticed you weren't there anymore. I thought something happened to you!" I say, still trying to catch my breath. "Well i'm ok. But it is getting late so let's go back to our rooms ok." Raven says. She turns to the boy. "Cross, I'm usually in the Egyptian side of camp. Or by the ocean." She tells him. They hug and I see him whisper something to her but I don't here what he said. The boy says bye and Raven walks over to me. As we walk back to the pyramid I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. 

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