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Raven POV

The next morning I sit up in bed and yawn. I pop my neck and back. I slowly get out of bed and change into jeans and a T-shirt. I put on platform shoes and grab my satchel I almost always have with me. My stomach rumbles so I groan and leave my room. Cal is not on the couch and I stop and sense the people around me. Cal is in a different part of the camp. Probably reading.

"Now where do I go?" I ask myself as I leave the pyramid. I walk around the camp, looking for the mess hall. I feel like I keep just barely missing it. After a while, I sit under a pink blossom tree. I humm and look around the area. I groan and close my eyes as I lean on the tree. "Well, hello there." I hear someone say. I open my eyes and see a girl with pink hair and pink fox ears and tail. "Hello." I say back as I get off the ground.

"I'm Momiji, I'm a deity in the Asian pantheon." They tell me. "I'm Raven, I'm a demigod in the Egyptian pantheon," I tell Momiji. "It is nice to meet you." Momiji says. "Nice to meet you as well." I tell them with a smile. I finally realize how tall they are. "Damn, you're tall as fuck." I tell them. Momiji laughs and shakes their head. "I would like to offer you something." Momiji says. "What do you want to offer me?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"I can tell you a small bit of your future, for a price of course," Momiji says. "What is the price?" I ask Momiji. "Just a small bit of your power, that's all. Not much." Momiji tells me. "Don't deities need power given to them along with prayers at their shrines to stay alive for along time?" I ask Momiji. "I am surprised you know that. But yes most of us do." Momiji says. "Okay, you got a deal. But I need you to do another thing, i will give you some extra if you do it." I tell Momiji.

"What is it?" Momiji asks me. "You need to tell me or show me where the food hall is. After the reading." I tell Momiji. "Deal." Momiji says. "Follow me." Momiji tells me as we go in between some houses into the shade. "Okay, what is your full name and your goldy parents?" Momiji asks me as they put down a crystal ball. "I am Raven Shine. You can't tell anyone but my god is. Amunet." I tell Momiji. "Alright." Momiji says as they look into the crystal ball.

"You are very closed off and you don't trust many people. But I see that you will fall in love with someone. But you will ignore it. You must not ignore it. Let them in. And.... and it shows that you will have to choose who lives and dies, many many times. And your past is going to come back at you." Momiji tells me. ".... That's all I see." Momiji tells me. "Thank you, Once we get to the mess hall I will transfer some magic to some food for you." I tell them. We get up and I follow Momiji. 

(ReWritting!!!!)Daughter Of The Egyptian Goddess Of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now