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Raven's POV

I shake my head and sigh. I open my notebook and flip through the pages. That is until one sticks out to me. I look at the drawing. It's of a boy I keep seeing in my dreams. I pull out my colored pencil and get to work finishing the mystery boy. Once it's done I see he has red eyes, white hair, and pointy ears. But, half of his face is red and the other half is normal skin color. He has faint freckles all over his face. I sigh again and rub my face. "Who are you?" I ask myself quietly. I have been dreaming about this man for a few years now. In my dreams he has a strange aura.

But I have never met him. Will I ever meet him, probably not. I carefully tear out the drawing. Putting it in the back of my notebook, telling myself to hang it up in my room. I look at the other drawing i dont of him. He has his normal human skin. But there is a black demonic figure behind him. I shake my head and close the book. I lean back on the chair and just look out at the water. "Well don't you look stressed!" I hear someone say from behind me. I quickly look behind me, I see the boy I have been drawing. "Maybe a little." I tell jim.

"Well why is that?" He asks me. I smirk and raise my eyebrow at him. His voice is.... Cute. "Lets just say I have a few demons after me." I tell him. I watch as his eye twitches when I say demons, and that just confirms what I already believed. "Ah yes. I am the same way." He tells me. "Any who, I am Lyyyychee. Yes, like the fruit." He tells me. "I'm Raven, Nice to meet you Lychee." I tell him. "Ohh Guyliner has told me you." Lychee says with a smile. "Guyliner?" I ask with a small laugh. "Yes yes. I believe he said his name is Cal." Lychee tells me.

I smile more and laugh. "Guyliner!!! I have to use that one!!" I tell him laughing. "He hates it." Lychee tells me as he laughs as well. "That makes it even better." I tell him. After a moment we stop laughing. I look behind him and see his demon watching us. "How are you two getting along?" I ask him. "Me and Guyliner? He's okay." Lychee tells me. "No, you and your demon." I tell him. I see him freeze a little. "How do you know?" He asks me. "One recognizes another. You should be careful. Never fully trust them." I tell him.

"What gave me away?" Lychee asks me, his voice a little cold. "Its a secret. But you will learn how to tell soon as well. You just have to fully become one with the demon. But never let your guard down. From what I have learned Greek demons aren't as understanding and willing as Egyptian demons are." I tell him. "Do you know if anyone else can tell?" Lychee asks me. "From who I have met. Momiji. Xylo can a little, but he doesn't understand it. Ricarro can. And the Anubis siblings can as well." I tell him. 

(ReWritting!!!!)Daughter Of The Egyptian Goddess Of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now