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Raven's POV

The next morning i sit up in bed and rub my eyes. I feel exhousted but my body wont let me fall back asleep. I feel more tired then normal because of of mine and Cal's talk last night after we got back to my room. I didn't think Cal would have cared so much. And I deffintly didn't think he would have freaked out as much as he did. I get out of bed and statr to get ready for the day. As i get dressed I think back on waht happened last night.


Cal carries me over his shoulder into the pyrimad. He carries me past Inpu, Magnus, adn Solis. Solis says how he want to be carried like i am. I feel Magnus's worried and cofused gaze on me. Cal opens my door and drops me on my bed. He slams my door closed. Becuase I'm smaller then Cal, and he threw me down hard. I bounc eon my bad a little. I watch as Cal paces my room. After a moment I speak. "Cal, whats wrong?" I ask him. He stops pacing and looks at me. He looks mad.

"What is wrongs?!" Cal ask me, his voice raised. He looks at me like I'm the stupided person in the world. "I had no idea where you were! I looked for you a few times but couldn't find you! I though you was meeting people! But no! You left hours ago! You didn't say anything! You just left! Not only that! You left with a random boy! With out saying anyting!" Cal yells at me. My eyes widen, nit used to hearing Cal raise his voice. I scoot back on my bed a little, making more room between me and Cal.

"I...I didn't think i was a big deal." I tell him, my voice is much softer and quieter then normal. "You didn't think! Thats the problem! You never think! Do you remeber what happened last time you went off with a random boy!?" Cal asks me, his voice still loud. I freeze and look down at my hands. My eyes wide and my bopdy tense as I try to fight the memories. "You... you promised you wouldnt ever speak of that again." I say, tears in my eyes. I remeber the fear and terror I felt that night.

"Well maybe I should! Becasue you obviously didn't learn anything from that experience! You still leave with random boys!" Call yells at me. I feel anger rise up in my. I get off my bed. "Maybe if ou stopped making me go places that I don't want to go to! I would stop leaving! This time I left with him becasues I could feel his aura. And i knew he men't no harm!" I yell at Cal. I look up at him with tears in my eyes, a few tears falling down my face. He looks at me and i see him freeze.

I know my eyes show nothing but sadness and fear. Its how I used to look years ago. My body is ahking and I can't control it. I try to hide my pain and fear. I can't look weak infront of him. Bad things could happen. What, no no no. This is Cal. He would never do anythign to me. I remind myself. But... my mind races to everything that could happen. All I can think of now is how i felt when i was younger. How i felt befor eI met call. How I felt when i left a party with a boy who I thought was a good friend. But I've grown from then. Ive changed.

I know better now. I can feel auras. I knew Cross ment no harm. I dont know what happened. But I'm sitting on my bed. Curled up in a ball. Cal is standing across the room. He has tears in his eyes. He walks over to me but I scoot back on my bed. A tear falls down his face. He kneels down on the side of my bed. "Raven. I am so sorry. I panicked and I know that is no excuse." Cal says quietly, his voice wavers. I shut my eyes, did I whimper? I can't tell. 

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