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Raven's POV

Magnus makes a face and shakes their head. "Too many people." They say. I nod my head as they speak. "I agree with you on that. I didn't want to come. But Cal forced me to come." I tell them. "Inpu made me come." Magnus tells me. "Brothers, am I right?" I ask, trying to make light of the situation. Magnus nods their head and smiles a little. We stay next to each other, not talking until people start to walk away. Inpu calls Magnus away, they wave a little at me and walk away.

And Cal. He doesn't even look at me. He just walks away with Davis. I watch as he leaves with sadness. But mostly panic. Cal's my rock. He's my protector. With him gone anyone could hurt me. Can't they? My panic starts to rise. But I don't follow him. He's already mad at me. I don't want to make him even more mad at him. So I walk to a pillar and lean against it. Trying to calm myself down. But that makes it worse. I'm left alone with my thoughts. I'm left alone, in a room full of people. Trying to keep the panic at bay.

I feel uncomfortable and like I don't belong. And that's because I don't. "Hi." A boy says. Ihold back a jump and I look at him. "I'm Cross. The son of the Greek Goddess Euphosyne. What's your name?" He asks me. A smile on his face. I hesitate before speaking. "I'm Raven. I'm a part of the Egyptian pantheon. I can't say who my parent is." I tell him. "That's alright! I have a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Cross says. "Uh, go ahead and ask." I tell him.

"Well, why are you over here by yourself?" Cross asks me. I look away before answering. "My brother left me alone. And I have uh... Anxiety." I tell him. "I'm sorry about your brother. But if you want we can leave. There's some amazing Ice cream at the mess hall!" Cross tells me. I do like ice cream. "That sounds nice but..My brother would be mad if I left without saying anything." I tell him. "You can blame it on me. I don't mind. So, what do you say?" Cross asks. I look at him confused, why is he being so nice to me? I look down then back to him.

I nod my head and his eyes light up and he smiles more. "Fuck it, lets go. He's already mad at me." I say with a shrug. Cross cheers and walks to the door. "Come one, let's get the best ice cream in the world." Cross says. I smile a little and follow him. When we get outside He starts running to the Greek side of the camp. "Race you to the mess hall!" Cross yells back at me. I pause and let my wings out. And I quickly fly to the mess hall. By the time he gets there I'm already standing at the door with my wings out. 

(ReWritting!!!!)Daughter Of The Egyptian Goddess Of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now