Part 1 (Rewritten)

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Raven's POV

I shiver as I walk down the street. I just got off from working at the local pub. Cal didn't work today, lucky asshole. Though I work full time and he only works part-time. It sucks most of the time, there are always drunk men hitting on me. Buuuut, I do get good tips from old creeps. The worst part about working at a pub is the fights. They don't happen all the time, but sadly more than I wish they do.

I would be happy with the fights if I was the one fighting and destroying stuff. I would much rather right than watch and try to get drunk idiots to stop fighting. Though, there is one thing I really like while working. I get to help people. I help people from getting drugged or worse. I can't wait till I can get enough money to open a training dojo. I want to teach people to defend themselves.

I shiver again as I take a deep breath. Now, is not the time to think about that. I need to keep going forward and making money. As I walk I hear something in the alley that I'm walking past. I pause and look in the dark alleyway. Just as I go to walk away I hear a small meow. But it's not coming from the alleyway. Instead, there's a kitten in the middle of the road.

'Welp you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat. And I would rather not die tonight. Maybe another night. A night that is nice and warm.' I think to myself. I turn to continue walking to my one-bedroom apartment. After a few minutes, I hear a car breaks squealing. I turn and see the car lights heading right for me. I try to run but I freeze. Just as I go to hit me I quickly move.

Then, the air around me changes. It's warmer and the air is dryer. I look around and I'm in a desert. Why am I here? I sigh and look around, there are lights in the distance. I groan and start to walk. 'Okay.... Was it my goddess that did this? Or was it a different god?' I ask myself. After about thirty minutes I reach the lights. It's an old abandoned village. I groan and walk into the pyramid in the middle.

"Oh hey, Cal!" I say as I see the man I look to as my brother. There's also a man without a shirt on standing next to a portal. "Raven! What are you doing here!?" Cal asks me. "Probably the same reason you are here." I tell him. "You are both here because you demigods! And we are going to camp!" The man says. "What?!" Cal shouts. "Go do what you need to do, I'll explain to him a little." I tell the man. "Great. Be back soon!" He says as he jumps into the portal. 

(ReWritting!!!!)Daughter Of The Egyptian Goddess Of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now