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Raven's POV

RIcarro begins to smile more. "Oh Earth Mom has told me about you too. " Ricarro says with a giggle. "I didn't believe him when he told me you were smaller than me." Ricarro says, smiling more. I groan and go back into my room. I change out of my platforms and put on converse. "Those boots do fucking nothing!" I yell as I come out of my room. I hear them all laugh as I shut my door. "Don't laugh at my pain." I jokingly tell them. They all laugh more. I even hear the bugs laugh at me. "Eger, Scar, if you two keep making fun of me. Then I will squish you." I tell them, glaring at the two bugs.

"You can hear them?" Mevodus asks me. "Yeah, One of my powers. I can communicate with any and all animals. When I want to and sometimes when I don't want to." I tell them. "So your god is probably Wepwawet." Ricarro says, a smile on his face. Everyone looks at me. "Nope, you're very wrong. But I guess I can give a hint. My parent. Is a goddess. Now that's all you get." I tell them, taking a sip from my jug. "Does anyone know who your parent is? Does Cal know?" Xylo asks me. "Only one person knows. And it's not Cal." I tell him.

I stretch and walk over to the couch. I grab a book and start to read. I ignore the rest of my surroundings. Only focusing on my book. After a while the sound of crying breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up and see Solis crying. "Let's go." Magnus says, they seem happy to be going. "Where are you guys going?" I ask. "Were you not paying attention?" Magnus asks. "This is a good book." I tell them. "Okay, Xylo, Mevodus, Ricarro and the bugs are going to get a feather." Magnus tells me. "K, have fun. If you guys are in danger, say my name loudly three times. I'll come help." I tell them.

Magnus nods and they quickly leave the temple. I groan and put my book down. After a moment I slowly get up and go to my room. I grab my bag of art supplies. And I leave the temple. I walk along the beach until I find the dock. There's a table and chairs. Along with a few boxes. I sit down at the table and pull out my notebook. Along with a pencil. One thing I love is drawing. People, places, animals, anything. I also love designing and making clothes. But no one knows. The only person that knows is Cal. And that's only because I dropped my notebook and he picked it up and looked through it.

I open my notebook. But pause as I hear whispering. "I aM YouR FatHeR." I hear someone say from the water. I shake my head with a scoff. "Now that's a goddamn lie." I say. "I Do nOt LiE." The voice says. "I am a god damn reincarnation. I do not have a mother or father. So now tell me. How do I get the necklace off?" I ask. "You ARe smArTer tHen i BelLvEd yOu to Be. bUt, If yOur sO SmaRT, ThAn YoU wiLl FiGUrE It OUt yOurSelF." The voice says. I smirk. "And that just proves to me you're not the one that sent me the necklace. Now. LEAVE." I shout, using powers to push the demon that was trying to trick me away. 

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