"Stiles?" I question and stand up from my chair. "Stiles. Are you okay?" Scott asks as he starts to walk slowly towards Stiles. I copy Scott's actions even though I just wanted to be at his side.

Scott puts his hand on his shoulder and we look at each other concerned. "We're gonna go to the nurse's office." I say and Mr Yukimura nods. Scott holds onto Stiles and we get out of there and head to the toilets.

When we get to the toilets Stiles starts looking around as he gasps for air. "Stiles, look at me man. Is this a panic attack?" Scott asks and I slap the back of his head. "Obviously it is." I say rolling my eyes.

Stiles grips onto the sink and looks at us in the mirror as he gasps for air. "Its a dream, it's a dream. This is just a dream." Stiles says and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Stiles, this isn't a dream. This is real." I say as I feel his shaky body under my hand on his shoulder.

"What do you do? What do you do so you know if it's a dream or not?" I ask rushed and worried. "Fingers, you count your fingers. You have extra fingers in dreams." Stiles says as he leans into the sink gasping for air. Every time he gasps for air I feel my heart wrench.

"How many do I have?" Scott asks as I stroke my hand on Stiles back calmly. "Look at me. Come on Stiles." Scott says and Stiles looks through the mirror to him. "Look at my hands and count with me." Scott says and Stiles turns to face him.

When they get to ten Stiles starts to calm down. He slides down the wall and I take a breath of relief as he is fine.

I cannot believe Stiles didn't tell me it was this bad. I didn't even know what to do properly, if it was the other way around Stiles would a hundred percent know what to do.

"What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asks as I sit on the floor beside him and pull him into a hug. Scott crouched down in front of me, still concerned for Stiles. 

"We'll figure it out. You'll be okay." Scott says and I look from Scott to Stiles nodding softly. "Am I? Are you? What about you?" Stiles asks looking from Scott to me. I furrow my eyebrows confused.

"Scott you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt and has tried to kill Clara more than once. And me, I'm straight up losing my mind." He says and my heart wrenches.

"We can't do this. We can't.... we can't help Malia, we can't help anyone." Stiles says and I sigh leaning my back against the wall.

What he said is true. Until we sort the three of them out we can't be running around in the woods trying to save Coyotes. Hell I don't even know if Allison might actually get to me. I know she can't help it but I'm bloody well scared.

"We can try. We can always try." Scott says and I look over to him. I smile softly and put my head on Stiles shoulder and hold his hand.

We spent the rest of the lesson in the  bathroom talking about how it's going to get better.

When the bell rings we stand up and I brush down my outfit. I take Stiles hand and help him up off the floor. "See you later Scott." Stiles says and I wave at him. Then me and Stiles head to my locker.

I get out my french stuff for my french lesson whilst Stiles leans on the locker beside mine. "Are you sure you'll be fine with Allison on your own?" Stiles asks and he takes my stuff from my hands. I sigh and close my locker.

"Stiles I live with her it's going to be fine. Plus I'm trained hunter, Allison is a human. I'm sure I'll be able to defend myself." I say taking my books from his hands and kissing his cheek. "I'll see you later Stilinski." I say.

When I was in class I had texts after texts off of Stiles. I groan and put my hand up and ask to go to the toilet.

I step out in the hall and see deputies after deputies. I rush over to Stiles who is speaking to his dad. The sheriff smiles softly at me with his tired expression before he leaves.

"What happened?" I ask Stiles and he sighs. "Malia tried to kill Kira. We're gonna come up with a plan." He says pulling his phone from his pocket and beginning to text everyone and come up with a plan.

I put everything in my locker and grab my stuff before heading to Stiles Jeep. I climb into the back whilst waiting for Scott and Stiles to join me in the Jeep.

"We're heading to the animal clinic, Issac is going to meet us there and we'll sort out a plan from there." Stiles says when he gets into the Jeep.

When we get to the animal clinic I head in and sit on one of the operating tables Deaton has.

I sit there and Stiles stands beside me leaning on the table that in sat on. Issac was standing opposite us then Deaton and Scott stand at the top of the table.

"Xylazine. It's a tranquilizer for horses." Deaton says placing three bottles of Xylazine on the table infront of us. "For a were-coyote expect it to work within seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting, needs to be a damm good shot." Deaton says and my mind instantly goes to...

"Allison's a perfect shot." Scott says and I look up from my nervous hands to Scott. "She used to be." Issac says and I nod.

"He's right Allison hasn't been able to shoot a bow properly for ages." I say and Stiles turns to me. "What about you?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't do bow and arrows, I'm more of a gun girl." I say shrugging.

"Allison can do it." Scott says and Issac looks over at me before sighing. "If we manage to find the thing." Issac says clearly unconvinced.

"Okay, what is the point of him? Seriously what is his purpose? Aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf? What's up with the scarf anyway? Its 65 degrees out." His tonce laced with sarcasm and clear annoyance.

I place my hand on Stiles shoulder to signal for him to calm down. He glances back at me before holding his hand on my own on my shoulder.

"Look, maybe I'm asking the question no one wants to ask. How do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?" Issac asks and I mentally groan. Issac is right but I know Scott and we need to try everything we can.

We all turn to look at Scott as if he has the answers, because this is his plan. "I can do it." He says avoiding eye contact. "You can?" Stiles asks and Scott makes eye contact with him.

"You remember that night Peter trapped us in the school? In the gym, he was able to make me turn just by using his voice. Deucalion did the same thing in the distillery" Scott says making me confused. I'm pretty sure Scott cannot control his shift.

"This is a were-coyote Scott who knows if it'll work if you can find someone who can teach you." Deaton says. "That's why you called Derek first." Stiles says and I nod.

"Yeah, I could try it on my own. But right now I'm scared to even change into just a werewolf." Scott says and I mentally sigh. It doesn't make sense to me how this will all work.

"We need a real alpha." Stiles says and I look up from my hands. "You know what I mean. An alpha who can do alpha things." Stiles says and I look over to Scott who looks highly offended. "You know, an alpha who can get it going. You know get it..." "up?" I ask Stiles and he glances at me and nods.

"Great. I'm an alpha with performance issues." Scott says which makes me giggle and everyone looks at me confused. I clear my throat and play with my necklace. "Not the time." I mutter.

"Is there anyone else besides Derek who can help?" Deaton asks and I look around confused. "I wouldn't trust Peter." Issac says and I agree with him.

"Maybe the twins?" Stiles asks and I agree with his idea. "They aren't alphas anymore. What Jennifer did, almost killing them? It broke that part of them." Deaton says.

"But what if they know how to do it?" Stiles asks and I nod. "They were alphas too, maybe Deucaillion taught them." I say and Stiles squeezes my hand.

"Nobody has seen them for weeks." Scott says and I chuckle softly. "Well that's not exactly true." I say thinking back to the other day when she was telling me all about her and Aiden. I giggle and look up to everyone looking at me again. "Lydia." I say.

Stiles and Scott dropped me home on the way to get Lydia and head to Derek's loft.

I head to my room and lie down on my bed exhausted. The thing about constantly saving people is that you hardly get five minutes because there is always something going on. Its exhausting. I wouldn't change it for the world because that's what we do. We protect those who cannot protect themselves.

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