The pair she needed to deliver a warning to were a duo of teenagers, they had been tracking down assassins and revealing their faces on the internet, leaving the assassins to either be hunted down by those looking for revenge, or their employers, who needed them out of the picture, since an assassin with their identity revealed was useless. That was an occupational hazard in this line of work, but revealing their full identities put innocent families at risk too, which was something the union had decided had crossed the line.

As she neared the place the two had last been spotted she mulled over why she had been chosen to deliver the warning. There were over a thousand assassins in the union worldwide, and yet they chose her, it couldn't have been random, no- more like a test, to see if she had gone soft or not, to see if Karma was a threat to their best assassin

Bullshit. The whole thing was fucking bullshit! by the time she reached the rooftop she felt so indignant she was ready to shoot the two where they stood.

On the rooftop the two boys stood over an assassin about their age, with short hair, but it was hard to discern their gender from this far away. Their leg was bent at an unnatural angle, probably broken, and tears were streaming down their face as one lifted up their head by yanking on their hair, and the other laughed, grabbing his camera and aiming it at their face.

"Hate to interrupt, but I'm gonna have to ask you to put the camera away for a while" she decided to just bite the bullet, perched on the fence surrounding the roof, she watched as both the boys swiveled round so quick she worried they might break their necks. the boy with the camera did not put it away, but oh well, she was wearing a mask underneath the hood anyway (think less coronavirus mask and more high-rise invasion style mask, like, one that covers the entire face)

"Who the fuck are you? The bastards friend? Another assassin?" one of them asked, he really had one of those punchable faces

"Not their friend, but I am an assassin, I guess," She replied, keeping her tone light, if they were still livestreaming she needed to put on a show, and the best way to terrify someone was to show just how worthless their lives were to real killers, "We've been keeping an eye on that one behind you, and it would be a waste if they were to die now"

"There's no guessing, you either are or you aren't, now who the fuck are you?"

"Alright, I'll answer your question, so calm down Joe."

"My name isn't Joe-

"Joe, do I look like I care? oh, right you can't see my face, well, I don't. Now as I was saying, I'll answer your question. I am the assassin known as Scythe." the assassin behind them gasped, unfortunately all Joe and his buddy did was blink, "wow, you really know nothing about assassins. well, to make it easy for you, I'm the best assassin you'll find under the age of 18, and in the world, excluding my darling teacher and brother"

"he's bluffing, he has to be, look at him he's basically our age!" Joe's friend chimed in,

"don't assume my gender dickwad, and I'm not bluffing, or would you like to carry on testing me and see where that leads you?" neither of the boys said anything, so she continued, "I'm part of a group of assassins, and none of them like you very much, shock horror. In fact, most of them have lost friends because of you. we aren't about to lose any more, so piss off now, while I'm still being nice"

they did not piss off.

"who the fuck do you think you are to tell us what to do? you lost friends? they were murderers anyway! we're doing this world a favour!" the second friend seemed to be the conviction in the pair, crouching behind the camera as if that could protect him.


"what a shame, you really think of yourself as a hero, don't you?" it was almost sad in a way, two lambs led to the slaughter by their own senses of justice, but Scythe didn't have sympathy for those who dug their own graves. They had left people, living, breathing people exposed in the open, with their identities out there too, people had gone after their families, their friends. Some had been left to slowly die in vats of acid, one tied to a chair for the rats to feed off of until he died from dehydration. If the union wanted to be reminded who they were dealing with, she was more than willing to show them, "let me show you what happens to heroes in this business"

the shot came without warning, as it always did, the bullet striking Joe in the foot, leaving him unable to move as Y/N pulled out a knife and headed for his friend. It was natural for amateurs to block attacks with their hands, so pinning him down she made quick work of his fingers, mangling them beyond use. The blood from her knife dripped down onto the boys face, sliding down his cheek like a tear. He really wasn't much older than her. He had probably had a rough life, and had developed some sense of justice from that. He hadn't meant to incur the wrath of a global organisation... he was a kid.

But then again so was the assassin three metres away from her, whom they had been fully ready to execute.

The friend was snivelling now, if he had any fingers left on his hand he'd be clawing at her face, or finding something to use as a weapon, instead all he could do was watch as she brought her knife to his throat, and close his eyes, praying that she'd make it quick

Joe didn't look as horrified as Y/N thought he would, he was still in shock, huddling in a ball as the blood pooled around him from the hole in his foot, but the true horror probably wouldn't hit him until well after, so she had to drive this point in while she could. With a sickening crunch, the corpses head came off. she held it up in front of the camera, for all the viewers at home to take a good look, then stuffed it in her backpack, and walked away. But her work wasn't completely done yet. Removing her mask, she stood with her back to the camera as she made direct eye contact with Joe, his distraught eyes meeting her calm gaze,

"you did this to him, you know" she murmured, too quiet to be caught in the livestream, "you could've lived long, ordinary lives. instead you decided to cross the most dangerous group of people in the world. remember this next time you're tempted to meddle where you don't belong." she patted him on the shoulder and fixed her mask back into place,

"someone'll come for you later," she said to the other assassin, who hadn't moved from their spot, "if you take up their offer then I guess I'll be seeing you again soon"

with that she walked right to the edge of the roof, and for a second, she stood on the ledge looking down. Death was so easy to cause, but some people never understood that they would always be one small mistake away from meeting their maker no matter what. she could jump, or fall, and it would all end here.

but ending it here would be no fun at all, so instead, she turned around and made eye contact with the boy who's life had just been ripped to pieces before his very eyes, raised two fingers to her forehead in a mock salute, and then Scythe, student of The Reaper, head assassin of the assassins union, and the best teenage assassin in the world did what she did best

she disappeared.

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