The Island part one

Start from the beginning

"Your heart hurts you say? Hmm, sounds more like heartburn to me, try eating slower. And stop fucking calling me." She hung up and stared at her phone for a while, "does a phone count as essential?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so."

"Cool, then the union will cover it" she threw the phone as far as she could into the sea, watching it disappear into the foam created by the engines."

"So, who was that?" Okuda asked timidly, still sitting on the bench behind them."

"That was Jeremy, I met him like a week ago, had a single conversation with him and now he thinks we're in love." Y/N sighed, "oh well, we'll be arriving soon, nothing like assassination to take your mind off things."

Karma looked out into the sea, where the phone had gone, and he couldnt help but smile, there wasn't a particular reason, just the idea that Y/N valued him more than a fellow assassin made him happy.


They had arrived earlier than they had all expected, so they managed to scout out all the locations needed, meaning their assassination only needed some final finishing touches before tomorrow. After running through it all the boys and girls retired to their respective rooms,

"Ok, time to talk about boys, Isogai and Maehara are ok I guess." Nakamura started, bringing out a list with all the boys names,

"Ooh, ooh! I wanna go first, I have a crush on Mr Karasuma!" Kurahashi declared,

"Honey, there isn't a girl in this room who doesn't have a crush on that man." Nakamura sighed

"I-I think Karma's quite good, if only he was a little bit nicer." Okuda piped up, her cheeks colouring slightly,

"Well, doesn't that defeat the point then?" Y/N asked her, "if you'd only like him if he was different to the way he is now, isn't that a way of saying the only good thing about him is his looks? I mean, don't get me wrong, he could definitely be nicer, but isn't the point of liking someone to accept their faults as well as their charms, rather than saying, 'if only'"

The others stared at her for a while,

"What, do you like him or something?" Nakamura asked,

"Hah! Me? Like Karma? Please, it's like he never takes anything seriously, and he can get suuuper annoying and-"

"Yeah, you totally like him" Fuwa added,

"I do not!"

"Your face is literally bright red."

"Whatever, I'm going to get a drink" she turned to leave, and came face to face with Koro-sensei, who had a notebook in his tentacles, and had clearly been documenting everything,
"GET OUTTA HERE" all of the girls screamed, brandishing knives and guns as they all chased him out.


"Ok, let's talk about girls." Okajima sat down, looking uncharacteristically serious,

"Ok, well, I think Kenzakis the prettiest." Said Sugino without missing a beat,




"What are we all talking about?" Karma entered the room, having gotten himself a carton of strawberry milk,

"Karma! Which one of the girls do you like?" Sugino asked,

"Well, I believe I'd have to go with Okuda." He said, picking up the sheet

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