Chapter 40

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[A/N: This chapter doesn't continue the last, but is a seperate segment. This is a part of the story, but not a part of the main lead's life. I wanted to write this about the 2 best friends I admire so much, but who stay hesitant to take things a step further. Read more to find out!]


Areum moved away from the room, turning around to face Jimin who was talking to Jungkook. Hoseok was sitting on the couch talking on the phone. Jin and Yoongi were in the Kitchen cooking.

"Arie you're staying for lunch right?" Jin called her from the kitchen and she could see Yoongi cooking along with him.

"Oh yes, I am" she replied, searching around for her best friend.

"Searching for something?" asked Jimin. "Someone" she corrected.

"Where's Tae?" She asked, looking at his room's door, which was closed.

"Umm" Jimin hummed, not knowing what to answer.

"Jimin are you hiding something else?" Arie inquired.

She doubted him as she had tried calling Hana coincidentally that morning and noticing that she ain't picking up, she called Jimin, asking if he knew anything. That's when he finally confided the events of the previous day.

Devastated and angered, She rushed to the boys' dorm.

When she found that Hana had been shouting at everyone around and had even shouted at Jungkook, whom she calls her cute little dongsaeng, she was worried. Being a single child, she once told her that she had always wanted a younger brother and she had always treated Jungkook that way.

She was shocked when his sweet "Hana noona" was greeted with an angry outbrust. And now she had a feeling that Jimin was hiding something about Tae.

"Are you guys off practice only because of Hana being here?" She questioned and Jimin shuddered under her suspicions.

"That's a reason as well-"

"Jimin is something wrong with Tae?" Though they had just met up two days back, something was off in him. He was cheerfully goofing around, but he was being quiter than usual.

"He hasn't been doing well for a about week now Areum" He finally admitted.

"Why- What's wrong?" She asked, trying to be calm and composed.

"He seems to be losing interest in things, he's unable to concentrate on practice and he keeps to himself a lot. We've let him be on his own, but we get worried and try to keep him company. Jungkook's with him now" He said.

She tried to nod her head calmly like it's not a big deal. But she couldn't.

Her best friend had been abused and here, an outgoing and carefree soul like her, has been keeping to himself and avoiding the others.

"Is that why he's not around?" she asked aching in pain. Seeing two of her friends suffering like this was something she couldn't bare. Those two have always supported her in her decisions.

Jimin nodded. "After hearing about Hana... He's feeling devastated. He wants to be there for Hana like us, but this event just made him dwell more in sadness than usual" Jimin said, staring at the ground.

"We try to stay positive Arie, 'cause we can't show our worries to those two. They need positivity around them" He whispered and she felt the pain he was feeling. They both were in the same situation.

"Jimin-ah, I need to meet Tae" She said and he nodded. She walked over to his room and knocked the door.

"Ah Noona" Jungkook said as he opened the door, making way for her to get in. She greeted Jungkook with a smile and immediately turned to face Taehyung, who was sitting on the other side of his bed, facing the wall.

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