Chapter 4

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Days passed. It's been 2 months since Jimin got transferred here.

The introvert Hana, who was once aloof and prefered being a loner, is now enjoying life with her new friend, Park Jimin.

Hana, who was so used to being a loner, now enjoyed his company so much. She never knew a person could change her priorities and her character soo much.

But Park Jimin didn't really change her character. Park Jimin, taught her to see and know far more in life than she knew.

He,taught her to love herself, be herself, enjoy life to it's fullest. He taught her to follow her Heart and be passionate about what she loves in life.

He didn't really change her character, deep down Hana, is still the girl who cried over her bad grade. But Jimin taught her that Life, is far more than grades and her bad grades don't decide her life. He taught her that Grades aren't everything in Life.

He's the one, he's the only one who has been such a important person in her life,who changed the way she sees life. The Hana who once hated life and resented it was taught by Jimin, to accept it.

"Accept life as it is, Hana and you'll know life is far more than our little problems" said Jimin once during a conversation.

She couldn't believe that it's been only 3 months since he stepped in her life. She felt like they both have known each other for a lifetime.

They both hungout often, as they lived in the same street. Jimin and Hana's parents became good friends and Jimin used to be at Hana's all the time. He used to come directly to Hana's as Jimin's parents were working. He had a younger brother, Park Jihyun. Jihyun had tutor who came home to teach him. Since, Jimin doesn't want to disturb Jihyun and his Tutor, he comes directly to Hana's place. He had a few clothes at Hana's place, just in case. He says he doesn't want to disturb Jihyun, but Hana caught him lying once.

" I-I don't want to disturb Jihyun and his Tutor" Jimin said, but he was a little nervous.

" Why are you nervous and why are you stuttering??" Hana questioned.

"I-I'm not!" Jimin whined.
"Spill the beans." Hana ordered.
"Ugh fine. If I'm in the house while the tutor is in the house.... She..... She'll force me to study along with Jihyun"he said embarrassed.

I burst of laughing. His face flustered as he rubbed his neck.
"So this is why you come here with me" I said, still laughing.  He turned red. "Okay okay don't worry, it's fine" I said.

Gosh, this guy really is something...

A/N: happy new year 2020 guys!! So, I'm sorry for this boring chapter.. I really wanted to write today.. that's why I am uploading this chapter today... So ya!
Do you guys have any questions? About Hana or Jimin? Leave them in the comments!

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