Weeping willow

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Lila pov
The noises I heard go bump in the night weren't just nothing. I was jolted awake by Liams harsh grunts. I looked to his side of the bed noticing his bulky form slumped over his dirty blonde hair a curly mess over his forehead. Two men stood by his side holding him off the ground. His breathing was heavy, "Don't touch her!" he bellowed his words echoing in the small room.

My groggy brain didn't even process what's going on as I'm pulled off the bed a hand clamping over my mouth. I kick and claw at the arms around me the sheets not helping my futile attempts. I watch Liam as he lunges for me but he's tackled to the ground. Both males pin his naked body to the harsh cold floor with their knees in his back. A pained moan escapes my lips at the sharp jab in my side. My body falls limp in my captors' arms. "Nice to finally see you again. Principessa," even if I could move, I wouldn't even think about fighting back.

His words meant to be sweet only make my insides sour.

His cologne invades my nose reassuring me that this is indeed real and not some sick twisted nightmare. I wish it were a nightmare. Through the noise of people talking in harsh whispers I focused on Liams heartbeat. It was slowing down telling me he was asleep and not getting up anytime soon. He wasn't going to be able to save me. Please I need you to get up! I begged mentally. But he didn't move.

Sergio grips my ring finger in-between his fingers. He studies the gem, "So pretty. To bad we'll have to leave it behind." he removes it from my finger tossing it on the bed, the ring glinting in the moons sad rays.

My heart was no longer pounding at a steady rate. Now it was like a run-away engine.

I watched with teary eyes as I'm dragged from the room. Sergio had at least a little decency to put one of Liams shirt over my shivering body before he put me in the back of an SUV. He hastily bound my wrists behind my back. He knew first hand what I could do. But he didn't know that even if I was free, I wouldn't attack him. The sting in my chest was a reminder.

He took a deep breath removing his gloves. A tear rolled down my flushed cheeks. He turned to me with a raised brow gently wiping away the tear. "No need to cry." abrasive words meant to sooth. What a fool. I moved my face from his cold touch. This only angered him but he didn't move to hit me. He didn't like damaged goods.

After a few hours fatigue started to settle into my bones. It was hard to keep my eyes open. My head would fall forward every few moments. Sergio leaned against the door; his fist nestles under his stubbly chin. I rested my head against the cool window watching the forest fly by in monotone color. The vehicle stopped after a mile or two. Sergio straightened his posture before getting out leaving me in the dark. I tried tunning in but my fatigue was to much. I leaned back feeling the cuffs dig into my flesh.

Long silence. How long had it been since he left? 2o minutes? 30? I didn't know. The clicking of the door grabbed my hazed attention. I turned to see Sergio, Dark liquid spotted the side of his face. He got in taking a tissue to clean the mess. Not a spot on his shirt. "What happened?" I whispered. Fear gripped my thoughts. Would he kill me for asking? I wished for the plush leather to swallow me. He turned to me once the car started to move. "Just a few Mutts in the way." in a calm matter he took something out of his pocket. The red liquid looked like magic in a bottle. Where have I seen it before?  A glimpse of the pointed syringe had my heart seizing in my chest. I tired to move away but Sergio gripped the back of my neck pulling me to his firm chest.

He uncapped the needle setting its sharp point at the back of my neck. A cry left my lips as the needle entered muscle. He pushed the liquid into my body until its container was empty. My body relaxed against his even though it felt like magma was in my veins. He soothingly ran his fingers through my hair, "You'll be my little weapon." he whispered into my hair.

Fatigue no longer wept in my bones. Its weak sorrow was replaced with unsettling energy. Energy that felt to familiar and to foreign to be just anything. Even though I had this energy my body stayed slumped against Sergio. His fingers continue their lazy trek through my locks in a soothing but firm manner. Eventually I could hardly keep my eyes open and I fell into a deep slumber.

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