
14 3 0

Nicolas POV

I watch her small body toss and turn as she slept; she snores lightly. I twirl a strand of her unusual hair around my fingers. I insisted once again that she sleep beside me last night, after a while she agreed. Her warm lavender scent fills my nostrils making my cock twitch. Dammnit she so fucking beautiful. From the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was mine. Flags went off in my head when those amber orbs met mine. She fits perfectly against me like a puzzle.

Erotic images start to seep into my thoughts. Without realizing it I'm on top of her small frame. Her eyes are wide in panic as she stares up at me. Before she can mutter a word, I capture her lips in a heated kiss. Her hands tug at my hair roughly, a growl leaving my throat. I thrust my hips into hers, her sweet moans fill my ears. What a wonderful noise. I let my hands explore the curves of her body. Like I said she's perfect. The sound of her phone interrupts us. Irritation pours through me as she pushes me off of her. She hurries to calm her breathing. The thrumming of her heartbeat is fast.

She walks out of the room her silky voice invades my ears. She's talking to Jones about the penitentiary accident. All the guys they are looking for are dead. Well except me. But obviously she isn't going to turn me in. I killed them all draining them like blood bags, ill tell her eventually until then though I'm just going to enjoy this game.

She comes back into the room fully dressed for work. Her uniform surprisingly doesn't hide her curves. "I'm going to work. If you are still here by the time, I get back I will personally beat your ass." she threatens. I smirk at her. "Alright lup dulce thats fair, no promises though." I say as I get up. She stands still as I put my arms around her. I lay my head in the crook of her neck breathing in her scent once more. "Do be careful my love." I whisper in her ear. She lets out a sigh whether it was satisfactory or irritation it didn't matter to me. She looks at me once more before she goes, the fire in her eyes bright. 

When I know shes gone I start to get dressed, I do have important business to do after all. I walk down to the kitchen spotting the red fruit on the counter from last night, a smirk forms on my lips. I clean it up making sure to get all the sticky shit of the cutting board. Before you say "aww he can be a gentleman" No, I'm doing this for my own benefit. 

"Dante!" I call for my brother. I watch him strut down the spiral staircase. He in his normal attire, black suit with a silver tie, his hair slicked back with a few strands on his forehead. Hes a well-built male, runs in the family I presume. "what do you want Nicolas? Especially at this god-awful hour?" he sounds very pleased that I'm here.

I swirl the whisky in my glass, the ice clinking against it. "Its 12 pm...old fuck." I say. His facial features change from displeased to amused. "Bloody Mary O negative hold the ice." he tells the petite bartender. Her face becomes beet red. "We are what? 100 years apart dont call me an old fuck, old fuck!" he says with a laugh. 

The bartender hands Dante his drink, he grips her wrist to whisper in her ear. I spot the puncture marks on her shoulder. This time her whole face is red and she runs off into the back room, her arousal is noticeable in the air now. "She's a regular for you? She's also a vampire."I raise a brow. Dante looks at me with a smirk. "she isn't a regular for me. Thats her job. She's a blood bag." he tells me. "But you've fucked her?" I state downing the rest of my drink. He nods his head. "She's a really good fuck to. You'd should try her out. Her mouth is great." I shake my head at him. "Ill pass. Ill see you tonight I have important shit to do." I pat him on the back, I hear him shout as I step outside "Playing the good guy only gets you in trouble boy!"

I blend in with the night as I move through the alleyways. My black boots crunch against the roof I'm perched on. I breathe in heavily looking for a certain male. My head jerks to the left as a scream ricochets off the walls. Speedily I hop from roof to roof searching for the location of the scream. It comes again this time way closer. I reach a dimly lit ally.

I silently watch as the man grabs ahold of the female. Her eyes are glossy, he must have drugged her. This has to be one of Sergio's kindred. I watch more closely my feet on the edge of the roof waiting for the perfect time to pounce. Sirens go off in the distance. I look down once more at the scene. He plunges his teeth into her neck a sickening scream releases from her body. 

"Hey! Get away from her!" the familiar voice shouts. I entrance of the ally. Lila. The sleek black pistol in her hands is raised for the perfect shot. Is she a Trigger? He looks directly at Lila his fangs showing. She doesn't flinch as he darts towards her. Her shoulders stay relaxed her finger hovering over the trigger. My heart beats painfully in my chest, I almost jump off the ledge, the sound of the gun going off stops me. His body jerks backward as the bullet hits his shoulder. The smell of burning flesh reaches mt nose, silver bullets. My baby is clever. He lets out a thunderous growl.

He doesn't make it very far; Lilas eyes flash gold and a bullet pierces his skull. His body drops to the ground stiffly. Lila crouches over him plunging her hand into his chest ripping out his still beating heart. Damn I'm hard. I watch as another officer comes around the corner. "Are you ok!?" his voice is panicked. Lila nods her head a few hairs falling out of her bun.

She hands her colleague the now cold heart. He looks appalled at firat but puts it in a bag. What would they need a heart for? Lila focuses her attention on the now whimpering female. She hurriedly makes her way to her.

"Call an ambulance now!" she shouts to her partner. He nods his head speaking into his walkie. I sit there for a little while longer watching as the paramedics come in.

As everyone leaves Lila is left alone to her own thoughts. She looks up, I quickly move out of her sight. I hear the sound of tiers as she leaves. Fuck, I need to get off.

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